Bride-To-Be Demands Her Wedding Guests Dress According To Their Weight

Published on 06/19/2019
Bride To Be Asks Her Guests To Dress According To Their Appearance

Bride To Be Asks Her Guests To Dress According To Their Appearance

If you’ve ever had to plan a wedding, or been involved in one, then you’ll know exactly how stressful the whole ordeal is. There is an incredible amount of pressure on the bride and groom as they plan one of the most significant days of their lives. It makes total sense that they want everything to run as smoothly as possible. From choosing the perfect venue to making sure the centerpieces match the flowers, the list of tasks seems to be never-ending. While it is a lot to take on, there are people who take wedding planning to a whole new level. For instance, this bride went above and beyond for her wedding – and not in a good way. She decided to send her guests a weirdly specific dress code for the event. The catch? She divided her guests by weight and created a different dress code for each group. Before you ask – no, we aren’t kidding. Unsurprisingly, the dress code went viral once it was leaked onto Reddit. The unnamed “bridezilla” started getting a whole lot of negative feedback from people online.

Dear Guests

It all began when the future bride took to Facebook to post a message for her guests. Not long after it was online, it leaked onto Reddit. The long post written by the bride was meant for her upcoming destination wedding in Hawaii.

Dear Guests

Dear Guests

It’s reasonable for the bride to address her future wedding guests, yes. But, the strange part is demanding for them to spend thousands of dollars on a strict and incredibly specific dress code for the wedding. 

A Real Bridezilla

It’s not unusual for a bride to assign a certain color for her bridesmaids to wear to the wedding. Even if the bridesmaids aren’t the biggest fans of the color or gown chosen, they tend to just roll with it to make the bride happy on her wedding day.

A Real Bridezilla1

A Real Bridezilla1

Well, in our story, we’re not talking about wearing a frilly over-the-top shockingly vibrant gown. Here, we’re talking about the real-life bridezilla who planned out an exact dress code for all the guests to wear to the wedding. This is in addition to the wedding party.

For Visual Purposes

The post started rather innocently. The bride began by greeting her wedding guests. After that, she asked, “Who’s ready for Hawaii 2019?”. Then, she continued by saying that despite the fact that her wedding was still a year and a half away, she wanted to discuss something important. Naturally, she was referring to the dress code.

For Visual Purposes

For Visual Purposes

She explained the reason she announced the dress code so far in advance. It was so she can make sure her guests will have more than enough time to “find and pick out something nice.” Another reason she said contributed to the dress code was so it would create an “incredible visual effect” that was meant for the “synchronized dance” planned for the reception.

Different Categories

While you might think how weird it is for this bride to instruct her guests on what to wear to her wedding, but the strangest part has yet to come. The reason this story got such a strong reaction online was because of the way the bride chose to go about this.

Different Categories

Different Categories

In her post, she divided the dress code into five separate categories. Women who weigh 100-160 lbs, men who weigh 100-200 lbs, women who weigh 160 lbs and over, and men who weigh 200 lbs and over. However, the story doesn’t end there. The bride was sure to assign a dress code for the children who will be attending the wedding as well. Aside from the fact that telling your guests what to wear to your wedding is super weird, the fact that this is all based on weight is straight up offensive.

Suede & Velvet Only

So, let’s begin, shall we? The women in the 100-160 lbs category were instructed to wear a velvet green sweater along with orange suede pants. To top off this “look”, they needed to wear (specifically) Louboutin high heels that cost around $700 a pair. Of course, the bride was careful to emphasize that the women in this category only buy red Louboutins so that when they “spin and lift” their feet, “the effect will amaze you”. Whatever that means…

Suede Velvet Only

Suede Velvet Only

While it’s difficult to believe, it doesn’t end there. To complete this look, these guests had to wear a scarf. Not just any scarf. They needed to wear a cashmere designer scarf made by Burberry. To be clear, a scarf like this can cost a good few hundred dollars.

Purple…Or Else

Now, we move on to the men. Male guests in the 100-200 lbs range were ordered to wear a very different outfit. But don’t worry, it’s just as weird and random as the first one. They do have fewer items in total, though.

Purple…Or Else

Purple…Or Else

This outfit consisted of a purple fuzzy jacket – emphasis on the purple – a soda hat, and all-white sneakers. Not only that, but the bride requested they also bring some “plain glow sticks”. Whatever that actually means.

Decked Out In Black

Moving on to the women who weigh 160 lbs or more, they have a relatively simple outfit to wear. The bride demanded they wear only black. A black sweater and black pants. She made sure to mention that the outfit could be made out of “any material”.

Decked Out In Black

Decked Out In Black

The finishing touch of this look is a pair of black heels. We can’t decide what’s more offensive: the bride making a separate category for women who weigh over 160 lbs or the fact that she made them wear nothing but black.

Camouflage For You

Before you start worrying too much, we should tell you that, yes, there are stranger dress code instructions from the bride coming up. Men who weigh 200 lbs and over had to wear a weird outfit, to say the least.

Camouflage For You

Camouflage For You

We can’t even begin to imagine why, but this category was instructed by the bride to wear a whole camouflage outfit complete with a pair of black sneakers. The one thing we do have to say on the matter is: why?

Loving Red

It only makes sense that the bride wanted to include all her guests in the unique dress code. The children were no exception. As it turns out, they were ordered to wear all red. To be clear, the bride said the outfit needs to be “red from head to toe”.

Loving Red

Loving Red

To make sure her instructions were crystal clear, the bride reminded the guests that the kids will be the ones who “form the shape of a heart” in the synchronized dance. Due to this fact, the outfits will “need to be true red, not blood orange.”

Formal Attire

Naturally, the dress code was simply not enough for this bride. She felt the need to clarify that aside from the “required” outfits, the guests needed to bring a change of clothes. These clothes needed to be “formal attire” for after the mysterious dance.

Formal Attire

Formal Attire

The bride didn’t specify the instructions for this part, but she did make sure to add that the venue is “extremely upscale”. Saying that the guests needed to look their “absolute best.” Sounds lovely, don’t you agree?

$1,000 USD

In case you think this whole dress code is, in fact, a joke, we should tell you that the bride was more than clear at the end of the message about how serious she was. This matter was no joke in her eyes.

1000 USD

1000 USD

The bride warned the guests in the most polite way possible, saying “if you look like trash, so will we.” Once that was cleared up, she went on to list the proper budget for the guests to spend on their formal wear. The bride said that “at least $1,000” is the correct amount, adding that “This wedding is 24K themed for a reason”.

No Whining

We were surprised to see that the bride seemed to know that the guests would be somewhat overwhelmed by the strict and specific dress code. Not to mention the amount of money they needed to shell out on the outfits.

No Whining

No Whining

Due to this fact, the bride made it clear that there was absolutely no excuse not to follow the dress code guidelines. Especially since the guests had a “year and a half to get working”. Of course, this is only if she ends up having any guests left after she posted all this to Facebook.


Lucky for us, one of the brave guests leaked the dress code to Reddit. We can only assume that the post was really meant for the people who were invited to the wedding. Well, as soon as the post leaked, it went viral.



It didn’t take long for the post to be shared well over 10,000 times. Not to mention that it racked up thousands of comments from shell-shocked Reddit users. Plenty of them slammed the bride for “body shaming” her guests and calling her things along the lines of “self-centered”. Multiple people paid attention to the actual colors that were required in the dress code.

Friend Reactions

As one would expect, the bride’s friends had plenty to say about the dress code the guests were required to wear to the Hawaii wedding. One person decided to create a mockup of one of the outfits and see what it would actually look like. It’s safe to say that the guests weren’t happy.

Friend Reactions

Friend Reactions

Honestly, we can’t blame them. Aside from the colors being completely random, the clothing expensive, the wedding was in Hawaii of all places. If you weren’t already aware, Hawaii has warm weather just about all year round. Wearing a velvet sweater and corduroy pants in the heat sounds like some kind of nightmare.

A Sort Of Follow-Up

It wasn’t long before the bride found out that one of her guests leaked her dress code. The first thing she did in response was to post her feelings on Facebook for her guests to see. To no one’s surprise, this post was later shared on Reddit as well.

A Sort Of Follow Up

A Sort Of Follow Up

In a very passionate tone, she wrote: “I could not be more crushed, betrayed, or saddened…knowing someone went behind my back and made fun of me is one of the worst feelings”. One thing was for sure: she was determined not to let the “snitch” get away with it. She warned them, “Boy, will you be paying”.

A Polygraph Party?

After this entire ordeal unfolded, the bride announced she was going to host a “polygraph party” at her house. Yes, you read that right. This “party” was created to use her “real polygraph test” which she purchased for “$99 on Amazon”. She bought it exclusively to find out who leaked her dress code to Reddit.

A Polygraph Party

A Polygraph Party

She was sure to make one point very, very clear. Whoever wouldn’t come to the special party would automatically be “presumed guilty” without any hesitation. Harsh.

The Polygraph

If you were curious about exactly which polygraph she ordered, or if you’re looking to buy one yourself, this is the very one she bought. Naturally, she only bought the best of the best for this important and serious mission. She couldn’t settle for just any polygraph and risk it not working. It was essential that she solve this mystery.

The Polygraph

The Polygraph

We should probably mention that there has actually never been hard proof that polygraphs work. So, next time you decide to throw a polygraph party, just take that into consideration. Cause we know it’s a thing that all people do, polygraph parties.

Anything Goes

As if all of this wasn’t enough, the bride decided to make yet another post for her guests. In this one, she clarified that if there were people that weren’t happy about the dress code, that was perfectly okay.

Anything Goes

Anything Goes

In that case, all they needed to do was talk to her and if they wouldn’t want to be part of the synchronized dance, there were many other ways to help. These guests could help the crew “clean up after dinner” or “contribute to the honeymoon”. The bride went on to say that “Anything counts.”

Not Having It

After the bride posted this, some of her guests were unhappy about the situation, to say the least. One went so far as to post this long comment expressing their feelings on the matter. They immediately declined the invite to the wedding when they heard about the dress code.

Not Having It

Not Having It

Let’s be real for a second, wouldn’t you do the same thing? We know we would, there’s no doubt about it. Other than the other-worldly dress code and huge expense that goes with it, the bride seriously expected guests who wouldn’t dance to help clean up after the wedding. Who would even begin to think of asking that of their wedding guests?

Online Frenzy

As expected, Reddit users had more than enough to say on the matter. None of the commenters had anything good to say. The original post was overflowing with comments by this point. People quickly commented about how ridiculous the whole story is.

Online Frenzy

Online Frenzy

There were also people who wondered how on earth this story could possibly be true since it’s so far-fetched. Well, it’s very much real. Aside from that, plenty of commenters were furious about the weight separation and the bride’s accusatory approach to the ‘snitch’.

Visual Depiction

It goes without saying that Reddit users seem to have plenty of free time on their hands. One person decided to figure out just how the bride’s genius color scheme would look all together. So, they created this amazing mockup to get a clear picture.

Visual Depiction

Visual Depiction

The hilarious diagram speaks for itself, we gotta say. All the same, there are a few awesome highlights. The ‘Pepsi’ hat made a lot of people laugh as well as the ridiculous division the bride made in the guests according to their weight.

‘Spiritual Healer’

It’s clear that the future bride had a lot more to say, mostly towards the people who made fun of her. As soon as she found out her post went viral all over the internet, she went on a long rant full of choice curse words and all-caps sprinkled throughout.

Spiritual Healer

Spiritual Healer

What she was trying to do, unsuccessfully, was to justify her decision by saying that she and her future husband were both “certified spiritual healers”. The obvious irony was that if she was an actual spiritual healer, she would undoubtedly know how to handle that amount of scrutiny a lot better than she did.

The Devil

In what felt like a never-ending rant, the bride added the reasoning behind the terrible color schemes. You’d think there was at least a tiny bit of logic behind the whole thing, right? Well, you’d be very, very wrong. The bride explained that the reason she chose those colors was that the “black and camouflage outfits” represented the devil and the guests would “shoo away” the devil at the wedding.

The Devil

The Devil

While that’s all fascinating, it doesn’t change the fact that she purposely demanded that the overweight guests wear these particular colors. As you probably must have guessed by now, people had things to say on the matter.


It really looked as if the bride was digging herself a hole in the ground which she kept making deeper and deeper the more she said. Obviously, dividing her guests by weight wasn’t going to cut it. She needed to have a ‘logical’ reason to do so.



If we said she did not disappoint would be a blatant lie. In any case, people all across the web were anxious to find out the outcome of this disastrous wedding. We can’t but wonder whether this wedding will actually end up happening. With all the outrage and ridicule online, not to mention the angry guests, it’s hard to believe this wedding will come to be.


The fact that the bride separated her guests by weight was clearly insensitive, to say the least. Just that alienated her guests from the very beginning. However, as soon as she compared the “overweight” guests to the devil himself who needed to be shooed away, Reddit users had a field day.



We can’t tell if she was trying to put them down or not, but in any case, that’s how it was perceived by everyone online. It looks like this bride just can’t get anything right. All the same, she was not even close to done with all of this. There was yet another matter which made people judge her endlessly.

Psychics Desensitization Chamber

For some unknown reason, the bride felt the need to add the fact that she had met her future husband at a psychic desensitization chamber. In other words, she wanted to show that she wasn’t simply like any other ordinary girl.

Psychics Desensitization Chamber

Psychics Desensitization Chamber

She added that this was the experience that made her incorporate her “traditions and beliefs” into her wedding. If you ask us, that totally makes sense. The one thing we can’t get past is, she should have gone about doing this very differently than she had. All this leads us to the money situation. Well, as it turns out, there was a reason behind this demand.

Future Riches

To complete the insane-looking costumes, the bride demanded that the guests spend a minimum of $1,000 on their “regular” outfits for the wedding. You might be wondering what could she have possibly said to justify that, right? Well, lucky for us, she was sure to include that in her rant.

Future Riches

Future Riches

It turns out that the expensive attire was meant to “represent the riches” the couple hopes to come to later on in life. Again, there’s nothing wrong with incorporating some symbolism into your wedding. The only problem is forcing the entire guest list to do the same.


At the end of the day, all these things simply boil down to awareness. The most fascinating part of the story is that this bride clearly wants her wedding to be as perfect as possible. All she wants is happiness and love, just like everyone else does. The one thing she isn’t aware of is the fact that the world does not revolve around her.



While this might be common knowledge, some people clearly don’t know that money doesn’t just grow on trees. Spending the amount of money this bride demanded on someone else’s wedding ($1,000 not including the costumes, flights, and accommodations) is not something that people do under any circumstances.

The Outcome

All this speculation and wondering led us right back to the most pressing question: how will this wedding turn out? We honestly wish this couple nothing but the best. We just hope they relax a little, take it easy, and most importantly, stop putting others down.

The Outcome

The Outcome

More than anything, we hope this bride will loosen the reins a little and not force her wedding guests to spend all that money. Let’s say it like this: if she does go through with all this, she might end up in a very small, or even empty, wedding. Is all that truly worth it for the “perfect wedding”?