These Construction Fails Will Make You Rethink Your Plans To DIY Your Kitchen

Published on 08/20/2019

Unless you work in this field, you have probably never thought long and hard about just how hard construction work can be. In order to do a successful job, you will need people from different backgrounds to work together. You can usually expect a lot of planning to go into it.

Here Are Construction Fails That Will Make You Scratch Your Head

These Construction Fails Will Make You Rethink Your Plans To DIY Your Kitchen

This is the reason you might be surprised to hear about silly mistakes made by distracted construction workers or DIY fans. We hope you are ready to see some of the most cringe-worthy construction fails you will ever see! Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

They Got It Wrong

Well, this might be one of the worst door fails we have ever seen. Do you know anything about blueprints and architecture? If so, you can probably tell that the contractors botched this job.

They Got It Wrong

They Got It Wrong

For one thing, people passing through will have a hard time going in and out of this shop. The way it has been set up ensures that you will never have an easy time either way. Fun fact: this looks exactly like the symbol they use for doors in architecture blueprints. Nope, it’s not meant to be taken seriously!

Watch Out

We cannot believe that this was actually built by living, breathing, human beings. How insane is that? Man, the contractors must have been very distracted when they worked on this.

Watch Out

Watch Out

Do you think they even tested this escalator? We feel bad for the people who have to use this because there is no way they can go up and down without hitting their head. The ceiling is just way too close!

Too Near The Stove

Why is that? Well, for one thing, the stove knob is blocking its way.

No matter what you do, you will never be able to open the drawer all the way.

Too Near The Stove

Too Near The Stove

Can someone tell us who came up with this brilliant idea? This makes the drawer useless. They would have to reconstruct it completely if they want it to be useful.

Working Hard for Your Money

Well, we have to say that this is one of a kind. Who can even use this comfortably?


This must be the highest ATM we have ever seen in our lives. Honestly, we doubt that the creators cared for ergonomics.

Working Hard for Your Money

Working Hard for Your Money

Maybe it would be a lot better when they put a ladder right beside it. Why? It seems like they have forgotten that not every single person happens to be in the NBA.

Long Limbs Only

Did they think that people have the ability to extend their limbs?


If you are the one using this toilet here, we wish you the best of luck when it comes to cleaning up.

Long Limbs Only

Long Limbs Only

The tissue paper holder is just way too far from the toilet. We doubt that it was a simple mistake. Maybe the bathroom designer had been planning to toy with us right from the start.

Is This Modern Art?

Nope, this is actually a crime scene. The felony? The obstruction of comfort.


We want you to take a look at this photo if you thought it was nothing more than a regular sink.

Is This Modern Art?

Is This Modern Art?

Talk about absurd! Why would they even put the sink right on top of that? Maybe they were trying to motivate people to multitask. In all honesty, it only makes us want to facepalm.

The Most Useless Bridge In The World

If you know why this bridge even exists, tell us and we will give you a prize.


Honestly, there is no reason for this bridge to be there. It is lying above bare ground, so it is completely useless.

The Most Useless Bridge In The World

The Most Useless Bridge In The World

A bridge is normally installed on top of a body of water. It allows people to get from one side to another. This would make great sense if the pools were connected underneath, but no such luck.

Too Close For Comfort

Why? There is not enough space in this room to accommodate a group of ten people.


Considering the way that they placed these toilets here, there is no way people can use all of them at the same time.

Too Close For Comfort

Too Close For Comfort

If they were doing this to create the most uncomfortable bathroom ever, they definitely did that.

Amusement Park On The Stairs

Well, don’t look at us. We have no clue what it is for either.


Do you need any help figuring out what they hoped to do with this structure they placed on top of the stairs?

Amusement Park On The Stairs

Amusement Park On The Stairs

The only thing we know is that this is a huge mistake. They look far too dangerous to use no matter what the maker had been thinking.

Topsy Turvy

If you can see this, you can easily figure out what went wrong. Do we really have to spell it out for you?


Man, the carpenter must have been so drunk they failed to notice that they installed the door like this.

Topsy Turvy

Topsy Turvy

You do not even need to have really great observation skills to see that it was installed upside down! Take a look at this number on the door if you are not convinced just yet.

Never Heard Of Privacy Before

Do people no longer value the concept of privacy?


This is the only reason we can come up with in order to explain this photo.

Never Heard Of Privacy Before

Never Heard Of Privacy Before

This is so absurd! They went out of their way to install the doors, but it was not enough to guarantee privacy whatsoever. Maybe they ran out of material, which is why you can still see through them.

Challenges Ahead Of You

These poles are blocking the passageway in this photo. Perhaps it was an error.


However, it is also possible that it was their way of forcing people to fit in some exercise into their daily routine.

Challenges Ahead Of You

Challenges Ahead Of You

Do you like a challenge? If that is the case, you might like this corridor just fine. No one in a hurry will be appreciating this, at any rate.

Going Nowhere At All

Oh, you have got to be kidding me! What were the designers even thinking?


Maybe this is what happens when you have some extra material you want to get rid of but nowhere to use it on.

Going Nowhere At All

Going Nowhere At All

They definitely wasted cement when they put this up. If you did not know what was happening, you would probably be very confused about why it is even there in the first place.

Stay Out If You Want

Well, this is certainly very odd. That gate on the left sure looks fancy. However, they should have made sure it extended to the other side.


After all, this means that everyone else can still come and go as they please. The open area is right there, so why would you bother going to the gate?

Stay Out If You Want

Stay Out If You Want

Gates are often installed in order to keep strangers out of there. This is not the way to go if you want to filter who can go in and out.

Bridge For No Reason

For some reason, it looks like people want to waste money, cement, and time.


Man, we do not approve of the trend of building unnecessary bridges whatsoever.

Bridge For No Reason

Bridge For No Reason

These bridge does not do what it was meant to do. There are other ways to add beauty to your outdoor area, you know. It feels like such a misguided move to install bridges like this one.

For Civil Engineering Inspiration

What makes this photo so perfect is that they had been standing on a bridge when it was taken.


These students are about to go to their classes at the civil engineering department of the university.

For Civil Engineering Inspiration

For Civil Engineering Inspiration

Whoever came up with this idea must be a genius. How meaningful is that? This is a structure they will learn how to build inside the classroom. We hope they never make anything like the entries here.

Just Another Metaphor

Alright, you might need to have a dark sense of humor to appreciate this one.


As you can see below, this photo shows a student success center in ruins. What does that say about the future of the students in this school?!

Just Another Metaphor

Just Another Metaphor

Are you familiar with the concept of foreshadowing? If we saw this building during a campus tour, we would seriously start considering the other schools on our list…

No Mountains In Sight

Now, why did they even put up this tunnel? There is no good reason for it to be there.


First of all, they put it on an open road that does not have any obstruction whatsoever. We would understand this if they installed it through a mountain, but this is not the case.

No Mountains In Sight

No Mountains In Sight

A tunnel is often built to shield the cars and other vehicles from something dangerous. We have no idea why they decided to install it here.

Boohoo For Volvo

This is something you will want to avoid no matter what happens.


The car slipped through this crack and cannot get out since the top part of the vehicle is considerably smaller than its bottom counterpart.

Boohoo For Volvo

Boohoo For Volvo

The situation already sucks, but what makes it even worse is the fact that it would be hard to get it out of there without making an even bigger us. Hopefully, no one is inside.

Playing Hide And Seek

The cabinet in the photo below was so big that an adult man can fit in there! It sure looks funny.


We have to say that we are impressed that he does not look uncomfortable at all. Why is this photo here?

Playing Hide And Seek

Playing Hide And Seek

Well, we do not think there is any reason for a cabinet to be that big at all. It is the pantry, after all. You only typically put small items in there such as canned food, cereal, and the like. Could they have been under the assumption that they were building a closet instead?

Not Quite Parallel

No one can deny that the pole here was installed in the wrong spot. A closer look at the photo will show you what the other poles look like.


We bet you now understand why we said that in the first place. When you consider its location, you can see that only serves as a huge obstruction.

Not Quite Parallel

Not Quite Parallel

There might come a time when it becomes dangerous. Honestly, we recommend firing the person who gave it the thumbs up. Although it was thoughtful of them to create that small path there, there is no need for it until they put up the pole.

A Makeshift Sign

What animals do you associate with slowness? For us, the answer to this question would be the tortoise.


The construction worker in the photo below is wise enough to know that most people also think this way.

A Makeshift Sign

A Makeshift Sign

Not everyone can afford to buy a slow down sign, so this guy made one on his own. He boasts of a creativity very few of us have. We can only hope that the drivers passing by can figure it out right away.

A Big Surprise At The Workplace


We have no idea how this raptor got all the way to this construction site, but here it is anyway.

A Big Surprise At The Workplace

A Big Surprise At The Workplace

Did someone put it there in the name of a prank? Did it go there of its own volition? We do not know the answers to those questions, although we are sure the construction workers stopped working as soon as they saw this guy. We doubt anyone would like to work with this reptile in sight.

A Flying Car

Take a look at just how high this car is.


We can only hope that it does not fall because it is going to smash into smithereens if it does. This crane got to lift it all the way up, although we have no idea why this happened.

A Flying Car

A Flying Car

We really do not think cars were made to survive conditions like the one in this photo. The worst-case scenario? Someone was still inside this car!

Finish What He Started

This is such an epic sign to put on your car, don’t you think?


The person tasked to drive to van wants to give a message to all the wives on the road.

Finish What He Started

Finish What He Started

We are sure every single wife out there was wondering, “What exactly does he want to finish because my husband has started a lot of things?” Are they sure they really want to find out the answer to that?

A Warning That Sounds Like A Joke

Do you think it was Halloween when they took this photo?


We are asking this question because this must be the funniest way to scare off drivers on the highway.

A Warning That Sounds Like A Joke

A Warning That Sounds Like A Joke

Of course, we all know that dinosaurs do not exist anymore. They have since gone extinct! This is such a hilarious sign, although it might not be a good idea to treat it like a joke…

Giant Tic Tac Toe

How fun does that look?!


We have to say that we had no idea just how fun it is to work in construction before we saw this photo.

Giant Tic Tac Toe

Giant Tic Tac Toe

We would not have thought that it was possible to play a gigantic game of tic-tac-toe when it is downtime. Although it is not the most exciting game in the world, seeing this makes us reconsider.

Truck Fell Down

Whoa, how did this even happen in the first place? Whatever it is, we are very scared of it.


What force could have been strong enough to knock such a huge piece of equipment like this one?

Truck Fell Down

Truck Fell Down

Let us hope that everyone in the area managed to get out of there just in time. This is such a terrible accident. Let us hope no one got seriously injured when it happened.

It’s The Climb

Let us hope that everyone in the area managed to get out of there just in time.


This is such a terrible accident. Let us hope no one got seriously injured when it happened.

It’s The Climb

It’s The Climb

Perhaps he just got bored while he was on the job. If this giant machine falls down from there, we are sure that person will be liable for a lot of damage.

Take A Break

Every single one of us deserves a break every here and there.


However, something about this does not sit right with us at all. We don’t think it is a good idea for construction workers to take a nap while they are in the middle of a workday!

Take A Break

Take A Break

Fine, we will give them the benefit of the doubt. Who knows, they might have left someone to man the machines while they dozed off for a little while.

Don’t Park There

We would appreciate it if someone told us why people tend to behave in this manner.


We want to know who came up with that sign first. It sure is a funny way to let people know about how they felt.

Don’t Park There

Don’t Park There

When you consider the way that the note has been written, others might think it is nothing but a joke.

A Dramatic Entrance

We do not have a clue what he was doing. How did he even get there?


As you can see, someone found themselves stuck in the ceiling for one reason or another.

A Dramatic Entrance

A Dramatic Entrance

We are sure this happened because the ceiling was not made with the best material on the market. Unluckily for this person, they happened to stand on the weakest spot of the roof! We doubt this made for a great experience.

Worst Seats In The House

Ooh, we wonder who came up with this idea in the first place.


The brick wall was built tall enough to block off any view the people in the first row might have.

Worst Seats In The House

Worst Seats In The House

The least they can do is to offer those tickets at rock-bottom prices. After all, you are better off watching it on TV instead of watching it live if this is your only option. This is truly an epic construction fail.

One Of Many

Perhaps the plumber had been super sleepy or high when they had been working on the bathroom.


That is the only possible reason for this. After all, there was no other reason to install all these knobs there.

One Of Many

One Of Many

True enough, we do not have plumber training. However, we are sure those knobs shouldn’t be there!

Door That Makes No Sense

Did they plan to make a window or a door? We honestly have no idea.


This door will not take you anywhere. We have already seen stairs that go nowhere… maybe they were meant to be connected?

Stairs That Make No Sense

Door That Makes No Sense

We are pretty sure that those entrances are not supposed to be there. Who would do such a thing?

The Other Way Around

As you can see, the person in charge of doing this made one big mistake.


Considering the way this handle was installed, good luck finding a way to shut the door.

The Other Way Around

The Other Way Around

This handle needs to be removed and reattached if they want people to use it properly. What a shame.

King Of The Jungle And Road

Now, every single one of us must have seen Lion King in the past.


Unless you have been living underneath a rock, you will be familiar with the villain Scar.

King Of The Jungle And Road

King Of The Jungle And Road

This antagonist sang the track called “Be Prepared” in the animated film. Don’t you find it amusing that they used this particular moment for the sign? We only hope that it will work on others!

We’ll Just Wait Instead

We have no idea what kind of person thought this was a good idea.


When you consider how they positioned the toilets, there is no way they can be used at any given time.

We’ll Just Wait Instead

We’ll Just Wait Instead

We would appreciate it if you told us any ideas you have about this. It seems to us like they got nothing right. Honestly, we would much rather wait than try and use this.

Uncoordinated Contractors

Well, this is an error of huge proportions. How did such a thing even happen? Oops.


They worked on both ends at the same time, but now they have no way to connect them.

Uncoordinated Contractors

Uncoordinated Contractors

As anyone with common sense will know, bridges are supposed to connect two distinct points that are separated by a body of water. We change our mind, this might be the most epic construction fail.

Would That They Could

We know that this is a hilarious sign, although we are not denying just how true it can also be.


This contractor only wants passersby not to get impatient while they work on this construction site.

Would That They Could

Would That They Could

It is true that Rome was not built in the day. In fact, there are not many structures you can finish building in the span of 24 hours.

Cannot Drive Through

Can you see this yellow bar in the photo below?


They are installed in order to stop access for trucks.

Cannot Drive Through

Cannot Drive Through

This is not going to be a problem for you if you are driving a small vehicle or a car. However, this is not something that you want to see if you are driving something that is bigger than that.

No Entry

This sure is one funny lady. Clearly, this was a mistake.


She was having a difficult time climbing down the stairs because someone thought it was a good idea to build a pillar there and then.

No Entry

No Entry

Even though pillars are important when it comes to supporting the building, they do nothing but obstruct the pathway when installed incorrectly. We hope she is flexible enough to pass through.

Just For Kids

We doubt we will ever run out of wonders in this world of ours.


We have no idea who was responsible for this strange arrangement, but we do think they need to be punished one way or another.

Just For Kids

Just For Kids

There is not one fully-grown adult person in the world who can use this. Kids probably can, but it would not be all that comfortable either. What an evil setup this is!

Useless Window

Do you see what we see?


Could a true brick wall actually be lying behind this window?

Useless Window

Useless Window

We do not know why someone would want a window if they do not want to look through it in the first place. It would be better not to put one in at all.

Is This The Real Life?

This one is simply too insane for words. What is this house doing in the middle of an expressway?


Was this an act of resistance? Whatever the answer happens to be, we have to say we are impressed.

Is This The Real Life?

Is This The Real Life?

We do not know the circumstances that have led to this situation in the first place. However, there is no way you can convince us to drive through this road. The building causes a lot of traffic, after all.

Smell You Ladder

They then decided to install a railing that goes right through it to keep it there.


It seems like the homeowner got emotionally attached to the ladder and did not want to let go of it.

Smell You Ladder

Smell You Ladder

We know that it looks crazy, but this is one way to restrict the use of the ladder. As you can see, mankind is truly a mysterious species that act in the most unpredictable ways.

Parking Up There

We do not know what was going on here.


Again, it would seem like some people prioritize form over function. It is possible that this was meant to store a helicopter, but it looks a little too small.

Parking Up There

Parking Up There

This is such a bad spot to put a garage in. They should keep in mind that it is a much better idea to keep the garage on the ground next time. There is no need to complicate things!

Stairs And A Ramp To Nowhere

If you find yourself in this position, you will find that neither of the choices will take you anywhere.


While it was consideration of the person to install a ramp for the disabled folks, it does not make sense.

Stairs And A Ramp To Nowhere

Stairs And A Ramp To Nowhere

Do you have any idea what they were thinking? Perhaps we are only missing some vital pieces of information. Did they want to waste money, time, and resources? They sure succeeded in doing that.

Playground Of Doom

Yup, this is a death sentence. Try not to go down it if you still want to live.


We know that this photo looks colorful, although you might want to take a good look at the slide first.

Playground Of Doom

Playground Of Doom

We know just how crazy it looks. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put it there must be one evil person. Let us hope that the kids do not ever make it all the way to the rooftop.

Doorway To Nowhere

Something is wrong in this photo. Do you have any clue what it might be?


If you need a little guidance, let us help you by seeing that the door clearly goes nowhere. Why is it even in that specific spot?

Doorway To Nowhere

Doorway To Nowhere

At such an altitude, no one can even go in and out. Of course, it is also possible that it was nothing more than wallpaper or a wall decal. However, we dare say that it is far too realistic for such a thing.

Going Nowhere Fast

This stairwell looks good enough as long as you don’t look where it goes.


In fact, it might be even more succinct to say that it does not go anywhere.

Going Nowhere Fast

Going Nowhere Fast

Maybe they were also in the group of people who just want to dispose of excess materials. While we are not discounting just how possible this is, it looks just a smidge too polished for us to even consider such a thing.