A Strange Object Discovered In Backyard – Police Respond With Startling Message: “You Weren’t Meant to Witness This”

Published on 08/31/2023
A Strange Object Discovered In Backyard Police Respond With Startling Message You Weren't Meant To Witness This

A Strange Object Discovered In Backyard Police Respond With Startling Message You Weren’t Meant To Witness This

As summer approached, Mark’s anticipation grew, propelling him to embark on a long-awaited DIY project in his garden. After days of digging, the resistance of his shovel alerted him to a solid object beneath the earth’s surface. Intrigued, he continued his excavation, unearthing a colossal artifact whose identity eluded him initially. Mark decided to sleep on it, allowing his subconscious to mull over the mysterious find. In the dead of night, sudden enlightenment struck, as he recognized the true nature of the object. Without hesitation, Mark promptly dialed the authorities, urgently seeking their assistance.

At The House

At The House

When the police arrived at the house, their hearts raced with anticipation. The door stood ajar, revealing a glimpse of the unknown that awaited them inside. Detective Mark, consumed by a mix of curiosity and apprehension, had intentionally withheld vital information. He yearned for confirmation from his colleagues before confirming his worst fears. A glimmer of hope flickered within him, desperately clinging to the possibility that the ominous metal object was not the sinister weapon he had envisioned.

There’s No Way Around

However, the very moment the officer laid eyes on it, the realization struck Mark like a lightning bolt. Deep down, a knowingness surged within him, confirming his unwavering conviction. The police, with a blend of surprise and concern, echoed that he shouldn’t have witnessed what lay before them, and an unspoken agreement resonated within Mark’s core.

There's No Way Around

There’s No Way Around

Within a matter of mere minutes, an influx of at least 20 additional law enforcement officials swiftly descended upon the scene, showcasing their expertise and resolve as they attended to the unfolding matter.

So Many Questions

Mark was quickly transported to the local police station, his mind racing with a mixture of nervousness and curiosity. As he stepped out of the patrol car, he couldn’t help but wonder what had transpired on his property that warranted police involvement. There was an air of mystery surrounding the situation, leaving Mark with an overwhelming urge to uncover the truth. He pondered why he was not supposed to witness whatever awaited him, his mind swirling with a myriad of unanswered questions.

So Much Questions

So Many Questions

What had he stumbled upon that would require such secrecy? Only time would reveal the answers, but for now, the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air.

A Pool

Mark’s wife Patricia had been persistently nagging him for nearly 5 long years about fulfilling the promise he made to get a pool in the garden when they first purchased their house. Little did she know that the reason for his prolonged delay was not just sheer laziness, but rather, an intrinsic reluctance to invest his energy into the demanding process of pool installation.

A Pool

A Pool

However, with the passage of time, Mark finally came to realize that there was simply no way to evade this imminent and inevitable task any longer.

There’s A Problem

They had made the tough decision not to go on vacation that summer, and as a result, he found himself with an abundance of free time at his disposal for the year. Realizing that this might be a rare opportunity, he contemplated the possibility of embarking on a project he had been postponing for far too long. With a goal in mind, he set himself a target of completing it within a span of about three weeks.

There's A Problem

There’s A Problem

However, little did he know that this undertaking would prove to be more challenging than anticipated, as he encountered a series of unexpected roadblocks that he found himself unable to tackle independently…

They Started Digging

The first step in making the pool was to diligently dig out a substantial hole in the lush garden, with the sun casting its warm rays overhead. Meticulously planning the project, Mark, a thrifty individual who wanted to save some money, took it upon himself to spearhead this endeavor. With resolute determination, he enlisted the assistance of his two enthusiastic sons, Toby and Brian, eagerly embracing the opportunity to contribute to a memorable family project that would create indelible memories.

They Started Digging

They Started Digging

Little did they know, their efforts would culminate in a most unexpected and extraordinary outcome, weaving an enchanting tale that would be retold for generations to come.

A Metal Was Found

On the second day of incessant digging, Mark had almost achieved the desired depth for the hole. Beads of sweat dripped from his furrowed brow as his muscles strained with each thrust of the shovel. Nevertheless, a sudden pang of anxiety surged through him when the shovel’s metallic clang resonated through the air, distinctive from the familiar sound of wood. Was it possible that he unintentionally impaled the underground plumbing system concealed beneath the property?

A Metal Was Found

A Metal Was Found

Bewilderment overcame him as he pondered the enigma. The distinct metallic reverberation, once again, questioned the limits of plausibility.

Nothing Here

He had meticulously reviewed the documentation beforehand, which explicitly stated that any plumbing and electricity should be positioned at least half a meter below the current location. Additionally, he had deliberately chosen this precise spot due to the assurance that no pipes would be passing below this point.

Nothing Here

Nothing Here

Thus, the baffling question persisted: What unexpected object or obstruction did Mark unintentionally encounter? This perplexing discovery left him pondering the mysterious entity that lay beneath.

Digging It Out

In the next hour of determinedly trying to dig out the mysterious metal obstacle buried deep within the ground, Mark quickly established with each shovel scrape that he was not dealing with mere pipes or ordinary debris. No, this object was of much greater magnitude and significance than he initially anticipated. Its immense size and unknown origin left him in awe, filling him with an insatiable curiosity that drove him to continue digging.

Digging It Out

Digging It Out

As he persisted in his quest to unearth the hidden treasure, Mark couldn’t help but feel that he had barely even scratched the surface of the incredible discovery that lay beneath.

What Could It Be?

Mark and his sons, filled with excitement, spent the remainder of the day diligently working to uncover the mysterious metal object. With every passing moment, the enigma grew deeper as they puzzled over its peculiar features. It seemed as though their curiosity only amplified, for none of them had ever encountered anything quite like it before.

What Could It Be

What Could It Be

The uncertainty loomed, yet their determination held steadfast, eager to unravel the secrets hidden within.

A Gigantic Bullet

The only way that Mark, a seasoned adventurer with a knack for unraveling mysteries, could truly describe it was that it looked like a massive, rusted metal bullet, its weathered exterior hinting at ages long past. As he stood there, his curious mind racing with possibilities, a mixture of intrigue and trepidation swirled within him. He knew deep down that this peculiar object held secrets and untold stories, waiting to be unearthed by someone brave enough to dare.

A Gigantic Bullet

A Gigantic Bullet

Mark couldn’t help but wonder if he was the chosen one, destined to unlock its enigmatic truths…

Something They Found

He considered confiding in someone trustworthy, someone with expertise on the subject matter, who could provide additional insights. However, he weighed the potential repercussions that might accompany such a decision.

Something They Found

Something They Found

The peculiar object would undoubtedly require meticulous examination and delicate removal, possibly leading to extensive excavation in his garden, unveiling the possibility of unearthing more intriguing artifacts.

Against It

He would probably be compensated for everything, but it was mainly a timer concern. You see, he had been eagerly waiting for his new pool to be completed. The construction process seemed to drag on forever, and he was growing increasingly impatient. All he wanted was to get this damn pool over and done with. The thought of having a relaxing swim in his backyard and enjoying some quality time with his family brought a genuine smile to his face. However, there was a catch. He didn’t need a bunch of prying investigators snooping around his property, disrupting his peaceful oasis.

Against It

Against It

So, he made a deliberate decision. He resolved to keep the incredible find a secret, ensuring that the construction process would remain uninterrupted and his desired tranquility could be achieved without any unwanted disturbances.

What’s On His Mind?

But with his decision firmly in place, the mysterious metal object continued to occupy Mark’s thoughts throughout the evening. Despite his weariness from a long day’s work, he found himself irresistibly drawn back into the depths of the garden, compelled to study the strange artifact under the illumination of his trusty flashlight.

What's On His Mind

What’s On His Mind

The sheer magnitude of its presence captivated his imagination, leaving him astounded and questioning how such a substantial object could have remained hidden on his own property, completely unbeknownst to him until now.

No Sleep

That night, as he lay in bed, he made a futile attempt to fall asleep. His mind, however, refused to grant him peace as it relentlessly churned with thoughts of the mysterious metal object. The curiosity that had taken hold of him urged him to delve deeper into the enigma.

No Sleep

No Sleep

Having exhausted all online research without any fruitful results, he pondered an alternative course of action to satiate his inquisitive nature.

The Old Document

Curiosity getting the best of him, he started meticulously rummaging through the dusty archives of the house’s old documentation. His intent: to pinpoint the exact origins of the property they had acquired half a decade ago. The notion crossed his mind that reaching out to the previous owner might shed more light on its history.

The Old Document

The Old Document

Admittedly, it seemed like a far-fetched idea, an act of desperation, but his persistent hope urged him to give it a try. After all, sometimes in life, miracles do happen…

Previous Owner

Unable to find much relevant information about the man, he tirelessly scoured various sources until he stumbled upon a hidden gem – an email address that seemed promising. Fueled by curiosity and the desire to unravel the mystery, he wasted no time and sent a succinct message to the man, sharing his fortuitous discovery. With bated breath, he eagerly anticipated a response from the previous owner, hoping for a swift resolution to the enigma.

Previous Owner

Previous Owner

The passing of time seemed agonizingly slow, yet miraculously, Mark’s patience was unexpectedly rewarded sooner than expected.

A Mail

Only 2 minutes and 37 seconds later, Mark’s heart skipped a beat as a new message appeared in his inbox. He stared at the screen in disbelief, his eyes widening with astonishment at the lightning-fast response time. But it wasn’t just the speed that left him in awe. It was the contents of the email that sent a chilling sensation down his spine, leaving him with an indescribable mix of anticipation, excitement, and a hint of trepidation.

A Mail

A Mail

Never had he expected to receive such unexpected news on this ordinary night, turning an otherwise mundane evening into a momentous occasion filled with intrigue and suspense.

A Warning

The email Mark received did not explain the specific nature of the object he was dealing with, but it did carry a sense of urgency and concern. The mysterious sender, filled with a mix of fear and desperation, pleaded with Mark to resist the temptation and leave the object where it was originally buried. The sender emphasized that under no circumstances should Mark disclose any information about it to anyone.

A Warning

A Warning

The enigmatic message left Mark with an unsettling curiosity, wondering about the mysterious origins and potential consequences of this hidden object.

All Blocked

Mark was completely taken aback by the unexpected response he received. Feeling a mix of surprise and confusion, he immediately reached for his laptop and composed an email to seek clarification. However, his attempt to contact the person was thwarted when he realized that his email had been blocked by the recipient. This sudden realization left Mark feeling a sense of helplessness, as he realized that he could no longer communicate directly with the man. In a last-ditch effort to establish contact, Mark tried to call the person, only to be met with disappointment once again as he discovered that his number had also been blocked.

All Blocked

All Blocked

With no means of communication, Mark found himself grappling with a growing sense of frustration and unanswered questions.

Being Curious

But instead of heeding the cautionary words of the previous owner, the intriguing interaction only served to intensify Mark’s curiosity. As he pondered, ‘What the hell am I dealing with?’, a surge of intrigue swept over him. It became increasingly apparent that the man had a vested interest in ensuring nobody knew about the discovery, prompting Mark to question further: why the secrecy?

Being Curious

Being Curious

And should he even pay heed to the man’s cryptic advice? The mystery deepened, beckoning Mark to unravel its enigmatic layers.

A Realization

Eventually, after a long day, Mark’s energy began to dwindle, leaving him feeling exhausted. The weight of tiredness bore down on him, causing his eyelids to grow heavier and heavier. The weariness seeped into his thoughts, rendering them powerless to keep him awake any longer. Seeking refuge, he finally decided to hit the sack, desperately longing for a restful sleep. Yet, little did he know that the object that had been lingering in his mind would return to him during the course of that very night, making its presence felt in his dreams.

A Realization

A Realization

As sleep took hold, a shocking realization awaited Mark, waiting to unfold in the depths of his subconsciousness.


Mark suddenly shot up in the middle of the night, drenched in a cold sweat. His heart raced, still pulsating from the impact of the nightmare that had jolted him awake. It wasn’t just any ordinary nightmare; it was about the mysterious object he had discovered in his garden. Yet, it felt unnervingly real, as if some hidden truth was being unveiled through that haunting dream. The vivid imagery lingered in his mind, revealing a glimpse of what the object could potentially be.



As the weight of this revelation settled upon Mark, the gravity of his situation became apparent. He now faced a daunting and potentially hazardous conundrum that demanded his immediate attention…

Changing His Mind

One thing he knew for sure was that he would not be able to deal with this overwhelming burden himself. The weight of the situation had been pushing him deeper into the abyss of uncertainty. Out of fear of dragging this seemingly insurmountable challenge, he had made a conscious decision to keep it to himself, fearing judgment or unnecessary interference. However, the vivid and emotionally charged dream he had experienced last night had changed his mind entirely. It infused him with a newfound sense of clarity and determination, making him realize that the path of isolation was not the solution he once thought it was.

Changing His Mind

Changing His Mind

This epiphany compelled him to reach out, seek guidance, and share his struggles, knowing that it was imperative for his own well-being and the potential resolution of this perplexing predicament.

Getting The Police Involved

The very next morning, Mark, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, decided it was time to take action. He reached for his phone, dialed the police emergency number, and eagerly shared every minute detail of his extraordinary find with the officer on the other end of the line. As he spoke, a sense of disbelief emanated from the officer’s voice. Mark couldn’t blame them; after all, his story seemed straight out of a bizarre movie plot. Recounting his encounter with the previous owner, Mark tried his best to convince the officer of the authenticity of his narrative.

Getting The Police Involved

Getting The Police Involved

However, a small voice of doubt crept into his mind as he questioned whether the authorities would truly take his claims seriously or simply dismiss it as an absurd fabrication.

An Officer

After persistent efforts, Mark was finally able to convince the officers to dispatch someone to his house and evaluate his discovery. Mark’s confidence stemmed from his deep understanding that a mere glimpse of his meticulously tended garden would instantly reveal the gravity of the situation.

An Officer

An Officer

The officers would realize that they were dealing with something truly consequential, urging them to delve deeper into the matter and conduct a thorough investigation.

He Was Wrong

Mark, however, did not yet want to inform the police about his theory of what the object might actually be. The vividness and significance of this mysterious dream compelled him to keep its contents locked away in the depths of his mind.

He Was Wrong

He Was Wrong

He eagerly hoped that the police would present an alternative explanation, bringing a sense of relief and tranquility to his restless thoughts once more.


But soon after the police officer arrived at the house, Mark could sense the mounting unease within himself. As the officer stepped onto the property, taking hesitant steps into the garden, a flicker of cluelessness crossed his face. However, Mark knew it would only be a matter of time before the truth unfurled before the officer’s eyes, revealing the unsettling reality that lay hidden beneath the surface.



The officer’s worry grew palpable, etching lines of concern on his forehead, as the weight of the situation settled upon him like an invisible cloak.

Should’ve Have Seen It

The look in his weary eyes was one that Mark would not soon forget. They were bloodshot, haunted by countless sleepless nights that left their mark on his weathered face. And neither were the words that the seasoned police officer spoke next, his voice laced with a mix of concern and warning. “You shouldn’t have seen this,” he murmured, his breath heavy with the weight of secrets.

Should've Have Seen It

Should’ve Have Seen It

Mark’s heart skipped a beat as he processed the significance of those words, realizing that his unsettling dream had indeed been a forewarning. In that moment, a cold shiver ran down his spine, reaffirming that his worries had not been unfounded…

They’re Suspecting Mark

The police officers, with a mix of caution and skepticism, closely observed Mark’s behavior, suspecting that he might be concealing his true knowledge about the mysterious object that had unexpectedly appeared in his backyard. Doubts lingered as they questioned whether his claim of having a conversation with the previous owner held any truth, considering the email address provided had gone out of service.

They're Suspecting Mark

They’re Suspecting Mark

This unsettling turn of events seemed to bode unfavorably for Mark, hinting at potential trouble ahead.

Getting Cuffed

Thinking that Mark, a mild-mannered engineer who had always followed the rules, was simply trying to put the blame on someone else, the two police officers swiftly cuffed him. The metallic sound of the handcuffs clicking sent waves of confusion through Mark’s mind as he found himself unexpectedly being the one apprehended.

Getting Cuffed

Getting Cuffed

He stood there, his heart pounding, desperately wanting to call out for Patricia, his wife, or his two young sons, but before he could utter a word, he was swiftly taken away, leaving behind nothing but questions and a bewildered family.

A Police Cruiser

As he was being taken away, one of the officers, a tall, stern-looking man with a grizzled beard, began to recite the Miranda Rights that Mark had only ever heard in movies: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” The weight of those words echoed in his head, reverberating through his thoughts like a thunderstorm. At that moment, reality crashed down around him, engulfing him in a wave of disbelief and bewilderment.

A Police Cruiser

A Police Cruiser

At The Station

After Mark was forcefully escorted to the dimly lit police station, he found himself confined within an austere interrogation room. Across from him, a seasoned detective with an air of authority sat stoically, his penetrating gaze fixed upon Mark’s every movement. The detective relentlessly pressed Mark for answers, relentlessly hammering him with questions regarding the origins of the peculiar object and his motives for concealing it. Mark, his voice filled with desperation, tried adamantly to recount the story of the previous owner, hoping to validate his innocent intentions.

At The Station

At The Station

However, the detective hastily dismissed his claims, refusing to entertain any alternative explanations. As the weight of hopelessness settled upon Mark’s shoulders, he began to question whether justice would ever prevail in his favor…

Being Interrogated

As the harsh, blinding light of the dimly lit interrogation room bore down on him, Mark started to feel the weight of the situation closing in. Every breath became a struggle as he found himself out of his element, floundering like a fish out of water. He desperately grasped for words, attempting to explain his innocence, only to be met with skepticism and disbelief. It became painfully clear that he couldn’t navigate this treacherous territory alone; he needed the guidance of a seasoned professional in navigating the complex web of legal intricacies.

Being Interrogated

Being Interrogated

Little did he know, his quest for help would lead him down a path filled with unexpected twists and turns he couldn’t have anticipated. The forthcoming assistance he would receive would far surpass anything he could have possibly bargained for, completely altering the course of his life.

Helping Mark

Mark, with a resolute determination, made the unwavering decision to immediately pause his own defense. The gravity of the situation demanded unwavering caution, and he firmly demanded the presence of a knowledgeable lawyer to expertly guide him through the treacherous realm of legal complexities that lay ahead. As the intense interrogation halted at his unwavering request, Mark’s family, in a display of unwavering support, was not idle but swiftly took matters into their own hands, rallying together to ensure that Mark’s rights and well-being were safeguarded.

Helping Mark

Helping Mark

With unwavering determination and relentless dedication, they stood by him, ready to face the challenges that awaited, resolutely locked in a united front against any adversities that crossed their path.

Documents Searching

Mark and Patricia’s quaint suburban house, once a haven of orderliness and peace, now found itself thrust into the spotlight as the epicenter of an intense investigation. The serene living room was no longer recognizable, strewn with a whirlwind of disheveled documents that had seemingly erupted from their designated places. Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged as Mark and Patricia stumbled upon a trove of files, their yellowed pages and faded ink revealing a hidden treasure dating back approximately 11 years.

Documents Searching

Documents Searching

It was as if time had stopped in this very room, capturing a precise moment that held the potential to unravel a long-neglected mystery.

Past Permit

As the family delved into the countless pages, meticulously searching for clues, their eyes fell upon a hidden gem. Within the vast collection of information, they stumbled upon a faint mention of a permit – a crucial piece of the puzzle. This permit had been granted to the previous owner, authorizing him to excavate his yard, unveiling the corroded sewage pipes beneath. These pipes had been the culprits behind a catastrophic leak, resulting in the disruption of the property’s waste disposal system in the not-so-distant past.

Past Permit

Past Permit

Could this be the long-awaited answer they had been desperately seeking? The revelation sparked a glimmer of hope, tinged with a sense of anticipation, as their quest to uncover the truth continued.

The Homeowner

The documentation clearly indicated an intriguing revelation – the area of repair, where the large metallic object was serendipitously discovered, happened to coincide with the precise spot their family had chosen to place their sparkling new pool. As the puzzle pieces seemed to effortlessly fall into place, filling the gaps of curiosity, the largest question of all remained lingering in the depths of their minds: Why did the previous homeowner feel compelled to clandestinely bury this mysterious object beneath the earth’s surface?

The Homeowner

The Homeowner

The enigma now posed an even greater fascination, beckoning them to dive deeper into the realms of history and unravel the secrets hidden within the very fabric of their home.

The Private Investigator

Luckily, one of Mark’s sons, Toby, who had always been fascinated by mysteries and detective work, happened to be an experienced and highly skilled private investigator. His passion for unraveling secrets and digging deeper led him down an intriguing path as he tirelessly embarked on a quest to uncover information about the previous homeowner. After countless hours of meticulous investigation, Toby’s persistence paid off when he stumbled upon astonishing revelations hidden within dusty archives and long-forgotten records.

The Private Investigator

The Private Investigator

However, the plot thickened as he unearthed a shocking truth – the former homeowner hadn’t simply relocated across town or to a nearby suburb. Oh no, his new abode was nestled far away on the opposite side of the state, shrouding the entire situation with an air of complexity and intrigue.