Think Long And Hard Before You Get A Tattoo… Otherwise You Might End Up Like These People

Published on 08/11/2019


Think Long And Hard Before You Get A Tattoo... Otherwise You Might End Up Like These People

Think Long And Hard Before You Get A Tattoo… Otherwise You Might End Up Like These People

Tattoos have been around for a very long time, although you probably noticed just how popular these body modifications have become in the past decade or so. Some people go for more sentimental pieces, although others like to go with something more creative. Taste is subjective… or is it? There are certain designs out there that make us laugh out loud or cringe in secondhand embarrassment. Laser removal might be more accessible now, but no one wants to pay to get something supposedly beautiful removed.

You Are What?

You Are What?

There are several reasons why bad tattoos happen. Sometimes, you have a little too much to drink during a holiday. Perhaps you refuse to lose when you played dare or truth. This guy is more than a little self-assured, and we wanted everyone to know that he is hot stuff. However, we are sure he no longer felt that confident when he noticed the mistake on his back tattoo. The ‘old English’ font makes it look very cool but even that cannot distract us from the fact that it saws he is “Amsome” and not “awesome”! Oops. Next time, make sure you have a literate tattoo artist.

Does Not Fit

We like the idea of getting a tattoo with your best friend. There are many tattoo ideas you can go with, but this is not one of them. Do we need to explain to you why this is the case? Always remember, tattoos are a lifetime commitment, you need to make sure that every bit of details are perfect the way they are, otherwise you’d have a hard time because of it.

Does Not Fit

Does Not Fit

These are two Jigsaw puzzle pieces. However, their matching tattoos made it to the list because they do not even connect together. Girls, make sure the puzzles fit before you get them on your skin!

Facial Ice Cream

We are very sure that she has gotten the “You’ve got ice cream on your face” joke a ton of times before. What could she have been thinking when she got this tattooed on her face? We can say for sure that she has been ridiculed a lot just because of the tattoo on her face, especially with what else has the same silhouette as that “ice cream” tattooed on her.

Facial Ice Cream

Facial Ice Cream

Maybe she thought this was how you look cool. We don’t think it works, but whatever floats your boat! Like we said, always double think your tattoos before getting them.

Marks On Her Face

Look at the face the baby is making! That is going to be the same face we make if this was what we saw as soon as w were born. What was she thinking when she got that tattoo anyway?! Like seriously, what was she even trying to achieve with that tattoo? We seriously couldn’t point out what it’s supposed to look like. Just, what exactly is it supposed to be?

Marks On Her Face

Marks On Her Face

If you ask us, it looks like someone thought it would be a good idea to pull her leg, at any rate… Yikes. But seriously, if anyone can tell what it is, just tell us!

Dearest Darling Brenda

Well, we can definitely tell just how much he loves Brenda. This is the way he decided to show her how he feels as well. Although if you ask us, this feels a bit more like obsession than a dedication. Whoever this Brenda is, she is either the luckiest woman alive, or the unluckiest woman for having a lover this obsessed with her. We really feel sorry for this guy if they ever break up.

Dearest Darling Brenda

Dearest Darling Brenda

We already think it is strange to get a name on your body, but this guy really took it to a whole new level. We just hope this never escapes his attention.

Drake’s Biggest Fan

Drake is one of the biggest names in the world of hip-hop. He has won over many fans over the years, although we do not think we want to get this tattoo. We get that you can be a fan of your favorite artist, but tattooing their name on your forehead? That’s a whole new level of going extreme! Diehard fans are a thing, but we never expected something like this!

Drake’s Biggest Fan

Drake’s Biggest Fan

You can see just how passionate she is about her idols! Sometimes, that kind of passion is admirable. We do not think this is one of those cases.

All The Regrets

Will you look at how ironic this tattoo is? Wow. We have to say that the error makes it so deliciously ironic. Honestly, we cannot even tell if they did this on purpose or not. Regardless of the intent, we’re sure that the person who have this tattoo is being ridiculed almost daily because of the misspelling of the word “regret” and we’re pretty sure that they “regert” having this tattoo.

All The Regrets

All The Regrets

The good thing here is that most people will miss the regret on first glance. You will only catch the spelling mistake when you take a good, long look at it!

The Tiger

Did you want to get a big, scary tiger? If that is the case, make sure you never get it from this artist. Unless you like the look of this tiger! At first, one might think that it might be a tattooist’s take on a picasso-style drawing, but something just doesn’t sit quite well with how the eyes are placed. It’s almost as if this is some kind of a chimera that doesn’t mesh well with people.

The Tiger

The Tiger

Well, we are ready to give the artist the benefit of the doubt. For all we know, this is exactly what the client had in mind when she sent those photos.

It Is Power

‘Knowledge is Power’, goes the famous quote by Sir Richard Bacon. This quote has been used an unbelievable number of times over the years. This picture is certainly a proof of why knowledge really is power. If the person who got this tattoo is really THAT knowledgeable, they wouldn’t have had this tattoo and if they did, they would have had the proper spelling written down on their skin instead of whatever this is.

It Is Power

It Is Power

Knowing that someone out there has this tattoo, we are starting to think that we’re not sure if nolege is truly the power. Next time, make sure to spell it out!

It’s My Life

Man, there should be a limit to the number of mistakes one can make while working on a tat. One would think that you could only have one or two mistakes on a tattoo as the tattooist knows how much of a risk it is to make a mistake, but A LOT?! At this point, we’re convinced that this tattoo was done intentionally to throw people off and have them talk about it.

It’s My Life

It’s My Life

Just in case you missed it, this is not how the song goes. We bet the tattoo artist said, “It’s my life” and did as they pleased instead. That’s a bad look, pal.

Amen To That

Oh, did you miss the bit in the new testament that goes, ‘Only God Can Fudge Me’? Well, it might be because it is not actually present there. Sure, you can argue that it might actually be spelled properly and it’s just that font making it look like so, but if that’s the case, the tattooist could have just done a better job in making it look more like a J instead of an F.

Amen To That

Amen To That

To be fair, this is not the worst misquote we have ever seen. It is actually pretty cool, as a matter of fact. But it’s just the line in the middle of the J that throws it off.

The Aliens Are Here

We have to give this guy the easy way out, because the word ‘martian’ can be easily spelled out as mar-shin. But you would think that he’d check that out before becoming another tattoo fails candidate. Folks, just because the word “Mars” is spelled as such, doesn’t mean that the term for its potential habitats is spelled as such. At this day and age, we should always look at google to ensure that we have our spellings right.

The Aliens Are Here

The Aliens Are Here

It’s too bad that people have some really amazing design ideas that the artists cannot bring to life. Isn’t that the saddest thing ever? We’re all for giving every artist a chance, but when it comes to tattoo, it’s a different thing.

How Adorable

Here are some tattoo fails that are nothing more than portraits gone horribly wrong. It is a great idea to get a photo of your baby on your skin, but maybe you should go to a different artist. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying that the tattoo looks “bad” but it could certainly be better. After all, it’s supposed to resemble the child, which is why it should’ve been done better.

How Adorable

How Adorable

In the photo, the baby looks very adorable. Let us just say that this is not a flattering version of the child nor is it a perfect recreation of the child’s likeness.

Hold It Closer

Where do we even start with this one? There are so many questions that this incredible photo has. Like, what does it even aim to say? We have so many questions and we feel like we don’t even want them answered nor are we even prepared to ask them. There is so much context that we don’t know about that this tattoo looks like its something from a terrible dare!

Hold It Closer

Hold It Closer

First of all, why is that human hugging a huge lizard? Why would she even that thing to come even closer? If someone could give us the answers to these questions, that would be great.

A True Reble

There are words that are so complicated it is easy to misspell them. However, we never thought that it would be possible to misspell something as simple as ‘rebel’. If not spelling the word “rebel” properly a form of rebellion, then we have to give it this guy for making us think that he was stupid when in fact he was on to something we couldn’t really understand all along.

A True Reble

A True Reble

A rebel is “a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler”. Perhaps he was only trying to make a point. If that’s what he’s doing, then props to him.

Like Harry Potter

What was he thinking when he got this prison tattoo right on his forehead? We cannot answer that. Sure, you can be obsessed with your favorite book/movie/artist/whatever, but having it tattooed on your forehead? That’s kind of crazy if you ask us. If this is supposed to look like Harry’s scar from “Harry Potter” we’re very sorry to tell this guy that it doesn’t even look remotely close to it!

Like Harry Potter

Like Harry Potter

We have to say that this might be the most ridiculous mug shot that we have ever seen thus far. Just look at how big that flop of a tattoo is.

From The Movies

We do not know what kind of person walks into the tattoo shop and asks for a tattoo of the girl from the Exorcist, but it does happen. We simply couldn’t imagine what goes on through the mind of people who wants to get tattoos like this. Seriously, why? We get that it’s a form of expression, but if it’s like this, they should probably get therapy than a tattoo.

From The Movies

From The Movies

Unfortunately, they had a true horror story. They wanted a great tattoo but got this instead. Oops. We feel sorry for the person who got this tattoo as we’re certain they regret it.

Terrible Grammar

There is something so heartwarming about tattoos with uplifting messages. Take this one for example. A simple yet powerful message, although we still couldn’t figure out who the target audience for this message is. We have no clue if this is what they truly meant to say or it was an honest mistake. Regardless, it is still a reminder that we need to double-check the grammar of whatever we’d have tattooed on ourselves.

Terrible Grammar

Terrible Grammar

Just look at it, even from afar, you would be able to tell that something is off with this tattoo. It doesn’t take long to see that the grammar is off.

A Proposal Tattoo

It was pretty gutsy of this guy to get a tattoo to propose. We would love to hear how the story ended. After all, it is a pretty corny pun AND a very stupid decision. Just imagine how disappointed he would have been if he was rejected. Not only did he get a tattoo for a proposal, it was also a corny pun! Talk about not thinking twice for a permanent decision!

A Proposal Tattoo

A Proposal Tattoo

Do you think Nina ended up seeing this and running a mile? This is pretty crazy on its own, but the fact that ‘marry’ was misspelled makes it even worse.

Breakup Tattoos

When he was still with Megan, his girlfriend was excited to see the way he put her name on his skin. However, they eventually called it quits. At least unlike the previous entry with the Brenda tattoo, this person didn’t have to cross out multiple names. Though, we wonder what Hollie would think after seeing that this guy didn’t even bother removing the previous girl’s name tattooed from his body.

Breakup Tattoos

Breakup Tattoos

Laser removal can be very pricey. The moment he got together with Hollie, he had to get a little creative. But if we were Hollie, we would have preferred him to laser Megan off.

Makes No Sense

Here is an example of yet another tattoo meant to lift our spirits. Of course, it did not go well either… Negative with negative only cancels out in math, it doesn’t work the same way in English. Seriously folks, always consult a grammar checker before having words tattooed on your body, unless you want to be a laughing stock and end up on a list like this making fun of hilarious tattoos.

Makes No Sense

Makes No Sense

Clearly, this person was trying to say ‘Never give up’ or something to that effect. Unfortunately, he ended up with a double negative tattoo instead. Oops. May this be a reminder for people to double-think their tattoos.

Inked Receipt

There are lots of McDonald’s fans out there, and we are sure you have eaten there in the past. This guy was a bigger fan than most, however. What was even going on in his mind? Like, why would you even tattoo your receipt to your arm? We simply couldn’t understand the thought process behind this. All we could think of is that it is nothing but a waste of ink and money.

Inked Receipt

Inked Receipt

We have to admit that this is one cool-looking tattoo. Is it odd? Definitely. Does it look neat? For sure, compared to the other ones in this list, this one actually looks decent.

Two Faces

This guy definitely has quite the sense of humor! We love the fact that he styled his hair to make the effect even stronger. However, we would it if he was sitting right in front of us. If you have seen Harry Potter, this tattoo would definitely remind you of the first movie where the series’ main antagonist was shown to be attached on the head of a certain professor.

Two Faces

Two Faces

At the very least, the tattooist finally got a one-of-a-kind project that they would never ever forget. We’re not gonna lie, this one is actually pretty cool and well done compared to others.

Monster Marilyn

If you want to talk about glamorous celebrities, good luck finding someone who bits to bill better than Marilyn Munroe. We are sure you are familiar with this photo of hers! This iconic photo has been printed, shared, and painted a lot of times due to how iconic it was. Tattoos are no exception, there’s no denying that this has been tattooed on people countless of times, but to mess this up like this? Yikes.

Monster Marilyn

Monster Marilyn

This is a great image, and we are not confused about why people want to get it tattooed. The one on the right side, however, shows a completely different thing…

A Different Lion

It seems like some people forget that the tattoos are supposed to be on their bodies for the rest of their lives. True, there are laser removal options. Just keep in mind that those things are expensive, of course. Take a look at this “lion” for example. With a face like that, we’re not even sure if we could even call it an animal! Talk about a horrifying animal tattoo!

A Different Lion

A Different Lion

This tattoo is not exactly up to our standards. We appreciate the unique look it has to it, at any rate. Though we still don’t get why it ended up looking as such.

Ugly Pikachu

If you ever watched Pokemon, you must be familiar with the saying “Gotta catch em all”. With that look, we are sure that Pikachu could kill everyone else. Just look at this monstrosity of a Pokemon. This tattoo really puts the “monster” in “Pocket Monster” All jokes aside, we’re sure that the artist thought of the outcome differently but the execution just fell flat instead of being good. Props to them though.

Ugly Pikachu

Ugly Pikachu

We are saying that because this pokemon looks extremely angry. We would personally prefer a smiley Pikachu than this one. To be fair, this is a lot better than some of the other tattoo fails on this list.

Tattoo Translations

For some reason, people love to get tattoos in a different language. When you do this, it is very important to do your research. You do not want to be the guy with the inappropriate tat, right? Just because you’re getting a tattoo from a different language, doesn’t mean that you actually understand it. Often times, people look silly with their tattoos of a different language because they don’t even know what it actually means.

Tattoo Translations

Tattoo Translations

It would be best to avoid tattoos in languages you don’t understand for that matter. Apparently, his tattoo spells out turkey sandwich. So, always remember to ask a friend who speaks the language for help before getting a tattoo.

Galaxy Geek

Some of us enjoy watching shows and documentaries about space. This girl is one of those people. We have to admit that we also enjoy hearing and seeing things about the outer space. This tattoo, however, kind of looks far from what the intended design was, but you have to admit, the mish-mash of various colors kind of looks beautiful in its own strange way right? At least that’s what we’d like to think.

Galaxy Geek

Galaxy Geek

She finally decided to get a tattoo to showcase how serious she was. However, let us just say it ended up looking very different from what she had in mind. Oops.

Marilyn Mistake

It seems like people enjoy getting bad tattoos of Marilyn Munroe for some reason. In all fairness, this probably means a lot of people get tattoos of her. The more people have them, the higher the chances that there is a bad one out there. We like the old English style they used here, and this is not even half bad.  But hey, it does look amazing in its own way though!

Marilyn Mistake

Marilyn Mistake

However, we do not think we can deny that it looks nothing like the first photo. As a matter of fact, the woman in the second photo looks a little deranged.

Shell Out Money For A Tat

Do you remember when we told you to opt for a more expensive tattoo artist? This is the reason why you should start doing that, folks. The Joker in The Dark Knight was one of the most superhero villains we have ever seen. We can definitely see why this fella wanted to get Heath Ledger’s face tattooed. Sadly, the person in the first photo wanted to get it done as cheaply as possible.

Shell Out Money For A Tat

Shell Out Money For A Tat

The person in the second one, meanwhile, was ready to shell out some serious bucks if it meant getting high-quality ink. The difference is pretty astounding, isn’t it?