Castles In Michigan – Yep, They Really Are There

Published on 08/05/2019

Let’s face it. Michigan isn’t exactly the first place that comes to mind when you think about castles. What usually pops into the minds of most is: cars, crime, and a whole lot of unresolved issues. Does “Flint” sound an alarm bell? But let’s take a step back from Negative Nancy-ing, and let’s dive into some hidden attractions that most don’t associate with Michigan. Did you know about these three castles?

Michigan Castle Farms – Charlevoix

It comes as no surprise that this magnificent castle is the venue for many wedding ceremonies. Built in 1918, the elaborate castle is decorated with gardens, towers and gorgeous courtyards. The actual name of the place is Castle Farms, but to us it’s just, “Oh… my… gosh!” It’s absolutely no wonder that the booking list for the location is getting longer and longer every year.

Castle Farms Charlevoix

Castle Farms Charlevoix

The Curwood Castle – Owosso

Where does the name Curwood find its relevance in this castle? Well, the answer is quite simple. America’s very own adventure novelist, James Oliver Curwood used this breathtaking castle as a studio for his writing. There certainly could not be a more fitting spot for such a writer. It was in 1927 that he closed its doors and called it a day. Today however, it is a museum which is frequented by the public.

The Curwood Castle Owosso

The Curwood Castle Owosso

Castle Rock – St. Ignace

At first glance you might not give this destination the title of a castle. But the facts tell a different story. Castle Rock in St. Ignace provides incredible views of the Straits of Mackinac and Mackinac Island. Back in ancient times this rock served as a lookout for the Ojiba tribe. If you’re ready to tackle the 170 steps that lead to this spot, then you’re paying yourself a great favor, you can take my word for it.

Castle Rock St. Ignace

Castle Rock St. Ignace