25 Of ALDI’s Best Kept Secrets – Revealed Here

Published on 05/25/2020

They Deliver!

It all began with Atlanta, Dallas, and Los Angeles. All these fortunate Aldi customers have recently been able to order their groceries via Instacart and have it delivered straight to their doors. This time-saving decision is hopefully going to be spread across many more cities. So keep your eyes peeled and spread the exciting news.

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They Deliver!

Controversial Bread-On-Demand Machines

German Aldi stores turned to “technological innovation” in November 2010. This meant that they provided freshly baked made-to-order bread rolls within just a few seconds courtesy of their in-store baking machine. But the German Bakers’ Confederation took it personally, unfortunately, the whole saga concluded in a court case with Aldi’s team of lawyers and attorneys disallowing the court the right to inspect the machines and the raw dough…

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Controversial Bread-On-Demand Machines