Vet Sees The New Dog This Family Adopted And Immediately Calls The Cops

Published on 10/02/2019

Su Yun, a resident of Kunming City, Yunan in China, lives with her family and wants nothing more than to spend quality time with them. Thus, she spent weeks planning the perfect family vacation. They were so excited about their holiday together and never expected to return home with a new friend!

Vet Sees The New Dog This Family Adopted And Immediately Calls The Cops

Vet Sees The New Dog This Family Adopted And Immediately Calls The Cops


Something’s Off

There was something about her two-year-old pooch that made her look at him in a different light. After seeing it, she could not possibly unsee it again. When the realization hit her, it was far too late already. In no time, the police would arrive at her house. Su Yun could tell that she was in trouble.


Vet Sees The New Dog This Family Adopted And Immediately Calls The Cops