20+ Most Hilarious Sporting Moments Caught On Camera

Published on 07/27/2023

Boom, Headshot!

The most unpleasant aspect of this photograph is that it clearly shows that this unfortunate individual attempted to kick the ball. We’re just not sure if he kicked it completely into his own face or if he accidentally kicked it into himself. Perhaps the intrigue adds to the comedy’s overall effect. It’s amazing how far the nose can bend without actually breaking or damaging anything, to digress a little.

Boom, Headshot!

Boom, Headshot!

The fact that that guy’s face looks like that in this photograph is a mystery, but he will most likely be alright in the end.


The “Oh Crap” Reaction

With regard to baseballs hitting people in the face, it’s amazing how quick the human reaction time is: even when a baseball is flying through the air at hundreds of miles per hour, athletes have enough time to create ridiculous faces like this. Unfortunately, there is usually not enough time to get out of the way before things get out of hand. Despite the fact that getting hit in the face by a baseball at high speed is quite painful, we feel a little awful about laughing at this joke.

The “Oh Crap” Reaction

The “Oh Crap” Reaction

After all, insensitivity is a critical component in getting a laugh out of certain situations.