Here’s How Australia Might Be Deceiving You

Published on 02/01/2021

Blue-Ringed Octopus

These octopuses look amazing in a fish tank, or even better, in the wild. The insects bite and are extremely venomous. Oftentimes, the sting is deadly. The body begins to move less and has trouble breathing. Furthermore, there is no known cure. Giving chest compressions are possible in trying to extract the contaminants from the body.

Blue Ringed Octopus

Blue-Ringed Octopus


Common Death Adder

The common death adder is significantly less poisonous than the eastern brown snake and coastal taipan. This snake has the longest fangs of any Australian snake. That’s cool. The most harmful thing about the snake is its venom, but it still depends on camouflage to shield itself from predators. When confronted with a challenge, it can strike.

Common Death Adder

Common Death Adder