Frequent Flyers Call These the Worst Airports in The U.S.

Published on 02/03/2020

Malé, Maldives

You immediately believe that the Maldives are in danger of sinking into the sea as soon as you look out the window on the plane and have a view of the runway, because it is almost completely surrounded by turquoise-blue water. Hulhulé International Airport is located on an artificial island about two kilometers from the capital Malé. At a good three kilometers, the runway is not one of the shortest, but it is not without danger: There is no safety zone, it ends directly in the Indian Ocean.

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Malé, Maldives


Saba Caribbean

With its mountainous profile without large flat surfaces, the island of Saba was long considered unsuitable for the construction of an airport. But after the future mayor of St. Barth, Rémy de Haenen, made a spectacular landing on a temporary runway in February 1959, the airport was simply built at that point: with a runway just 400 meters long right on the cliff. If you don’t break in time, you end up in the sea – which is why you can only approach the runway with a special permit.

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Saba Caribbean