Frequent Flyers Call These the Worst Airports in The U.S.

Published on 02/03/2020

São Paulo, Brazil

This airport is in the middle of the sea of houses in São Paulo – now. When it opened in 1936, the city was still a long way from being that big. But with the growth into a mega-city and the densification around the airport, the danger also increased: for residents as well as air passengers. In 1985 São Paulo got another airport, today only domestic flights take off and land on Congonhas.

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São Paulo, Brazil


Manchester Airport, England

There are quite a few reasons as to why Manchester Airport is amongst the worst airports in the world. Some passengers have said that the airport is very short-staffed and can’t keep up with the number of travelers who pass through the airport on a weekly basis. This means that there are often long lines and all-around a lot of frustration. In addition, there have many numerous complaints about the lack of other services throughout the airport.

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Manchester Airport, England