Steak ‘N Shake- Chili
Besides the fact that Steak ‘N Shake is just not the kind of place you would want to go to eat chili in the first place, you probably should stay away from it even if you are craving some chili while you’re there. The stations rarely get cleaned out and the grease that is used for the chili is very, very rarely changed out.
Bojangle’s- Chicken Rice Bowl With A Biscuit
Usually people tend to think that chicken and rice is harmless; not necessarily packed with nutrients, but nothing to phone home about. At Bojangle’s, that’s definitely not the situation. The Bojangle’s chicken rice bowl with a biscuit on the side will cost you 1,130 calories, 126 grams of carbs, and 4,370 milligrams of sodium. Just a reminder that the daily sodium recommendation is 2,300 milligrams.