Here Are Some Of The Uses Of Baking Soda You Probably Didn’t Hear About

Published on 08/31/2020

Lighten Dark Underarms

There’s nothing more humiliating than having dark underarms when summer is just around the corner. How can you get the marks away at the last minute so that you can strut your stuff into the cute new sundress? Well, the solution is easier than you think, because all you need to do is baking soda, water and a bowl. Prepare the mixture, apply to the area and massage for 1 minute. Let it sit for up to 30 minutes, then wash it with warm water. For better results do this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Lighten Dark Underarms


Exercise Performace

Baking soda can be of great benefit to athletes as well! This product can help you perform for longer at your peak, especially during high-intensity workouts. Baking soda works by reducing the exhaustion you may experience as training starts to increase. And that’s something we never expected!

Exercise Performance