Here Are Some Of The Uses Of Baking Soda You Probably Didn’t Hear About

Published on 08/31/2020

Oil Or Grease Fire

Do you know that some fire extinguishers are filled with baking soda? Yes, you heard that right! Baking soda with heat reacts to the production of carbon dioxide to smoother and extinguish the fire. This means that baking soda can often be used to extinguish little oil and grease fires.

Oil Or Grease Fire


Diaper Rash

No parent wants to see his child feel some pain or discomfort, however, sadly, diaper rash is inevitable occasionally. Creams and drugs can be expensive, but here’s something much easier and just as effective: sprinkle a touch of baking soda in your baby’s bath water to relieve the itchiness and prevent the rashes from coming back.

Diaper Rash