Disinfect Toothbrush
Normally, you don’t think about cleaning your toothbrush. But this is extremely important, with the cold and the flu season approaching. Think about it, you put that in your mouth every single day, so naturally we want it to be clean! When mixed with water and vinegar, baking soda can get rid of all the bacteria. You’ll be having a new toothbrush in just 30 minutes.

Disinfect Toothbrush
Treating Bug Bites
What’s not to love in backyard barbecues? Sunshine, barbecue, outdoor games, cold beer. Oh right, bugs. Even when the candle of citronella is lit, these nasty bugs can ruin their joy outdoors still.Applying baking soda to your skin daily is not safe, but it is helpful to soothe the redness , itching and stinging that goes with an insect bite. Almost all of the suggested creams contain baking soda, so you can actually create your own cure with just baking soda and water!

Treating Bug Bites