Do You Agree That These Are The Most Beautiful Women In The World?

Published on 07/10/2019

Julie Gibson

You might not think it but Julie Gibson is alive and well even though she is now 105 years old. Yup, she has outlived nearly all of her friends from the Golden Era. She achieved the peak of her incredible career back in the ‘40s, which means that she broke into the industry about eighty years ago. How incredible is that? We are glad she is still around.

Julie Gibson

Julie Gibson


Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron is living proof that beauty and talent go hand in hand. This South African beauty grew up on a farm, although her childhood had been difficult. When she was a teenager, her mother killed her alcoholic father because he was threatening to kill the two of them. She was trained in ballet, but she quit because she suffered an injury. Thanks to her natural beauty, she went into modeling. However, her true claim to fame would be her acting chops. She even has an Academy Award to her name!

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron