Teacher Pulled Off An Amazing Act In Response to Kid’s Disclosure of Father’s Secret

Published on 10/01/2021


Camden, who was only four years old at the time, was a kindergarten student. It is typical for children of this age to be very active and full of energy. Camden appeared to be in a bad mood on this particular day. Camden’s teacher became aware of this and approached him to find out what was bothering him. When the teacher inquired, the boy stated that he was afraid to see his father. Naturally, this worried the teacher a lot. Incidents like this must be addressed, and this one needed to be resolved quickly.




A Heart For Children

You must have sense of empathy for children to be a teacher. If you don’t, how can you work with kids, especially those who are young? Many people consider it a privilege to be in a position where they can influence the thinking of future generations. For many teachers, teaching is a rewarding experience that also comes with a sense of responsibility. This could be one of the reasons why students look up to their teachers and can form trusting relationships with them. Nancy Bleur, a 54-year-old kindergarten teacher, had a strong moral personal commitment to her students’ well-being. But the concern is, how far would she go to assist this young student?

A Heart For Children

A Heart For Children