Bride-To-Be Demands Her Wedding Guests Dress According To Their Weight

Published on 06/19/2019

Decked Out In Black

Moving on to the women who weigh 160 lbs or more, they have a relatively simple outfit to wear. The bride demanded they wear only black. A black sweater and black pants. She made sure to mention that the outfit could be made out of “any material”.

Decked Out In Black

Decked Out In Black

The finishing touch of this look is a pair of black heels. We can’t decide what’s more offensive: the bride making a separate category for women who weigh over 160 lbs or the fact that she made them wear nothing but black.


Camouflage For You

Before you start worrying too much, we should tell you that, yes, there are stranger dress code instructions from the bride coming up. Men who weigh 200 lbs and over had to wear a weird outfit, to say the least.

Camouflage For You

Camouflage For You

We can’t even begin to imagine why, but this category was instructed by the bride to wear a whole camouflage outfit complete with a pair of black sneakers. The one thing we do have to say on the matter is: why?