Bride-To-Be Demands Her Wedding Guests Dress According To Their Weight

Published on 06/19/2019

$1,000 USD

In case you think this whole dress code is, in fact, a joke, we should tell you that the bride was more than clear at the end of the message about how serious she was. This matter was no joke in her eyes.

1000 USD

1000 USD

The bride warned the guests in the most polite way possible, saying “if you look like trash, so will we.” Once that was cleared up, she went on to list the proper budget for the guests to spend on their formal wear. The bride said that “at least $1,000” is the correct amount, adding that “This wedding is 24K themed for a reason”.


No Whining

We were surprised to see that the bride seemed to know that the guests would be somewhat overwhelmed by the strict and specific dress code. Not to mention the amount of money they needed to shell out on the outfits.

No Whining

No Whining

Due to this fact, the bride made it clear that there was absolutely no excuse not to follow the dress code guidelines. Especially since the guests had a “year and a half to get working”. Of course, this is only if she ends up having any guests left after she posted all this to Facebook.