20+ Interesting Facts About Award Shows That They Don’t Tell You

Published on 02/11/2020

Inspiration For The Statuette

Before they decided on the final design for the statuette, Cassyd and his members discussed 47 different designs! Finally, their luck began to turn when they tossed os the 4t8th idea, which was the design created by the Television engineer Louis McManus. It was of a woman with wings, holding an atom. Fun fact, this woman exists and his wife, Dorothy! Hmm, why wasn’t the show just called “Dorothies.”

Inspiration For The Statuette

Inspiration For The Statuette

A Family Affair

Liza Minnelli won Best Actress for Cabaret in 1971 and was the only award recipient whos parents were also Oscar winners at one point. In 1939, her mother Judy Garland received an honorary award and her father won Best Director for Gigi in 1958.

A Family Affair

A Family Affair