It’s Been 10 Years Since Casey Anthony’s Disappearance- Where Is She Now?

Published on 02/27/2020

In 2008, a two-year-old girl by the name of Caylee Anthony went missing in Orlando. Casey Anthony, her mother, did not report the disappearance to the authorities for 31 days. Even though Anthony was accused, she was eventually declared not guilty by the court. It has been more than ten years since this bizarre and terrifying case caught the attention of the entire country. What has Casey Anthony been up to since those days?

2020 02 27

It’s Been 10 Years- What Is Casey Anthony Up To Now?


Her Relationship With Her Attorney

Below is a photo of Casey Anthony and her lawyer Jose Baez. His fame saw a lot of growth as the high-profile trial was going on. However, is it true that he got more than just recognition for his services? A private investigator claimed that, in exchange for his legal services, he asked Casey Anthony for sex. The scandals do not end there since Casey was also linked to someone else on her legal counsel. These things raise more questions, so it is necessary to put it all into context. After all, this could change things.

Her Relationship With Her Attorney

Her Relationship With Her Attorney