Covering Food
Some cats like to cover up their food bowl, and you might be wondering why. This is an instinctive behavior that stems from wild cats. They tend to keep their food safe from others. Another way of protecting its food from anything that could take it is by scratching around the food bowl after eating or even find shredded paper to cover it up.
Eating Plastic
Cats seem to have an infatuation with plastic. Especially plastic bags. If you don’t catch them in time, they can eat it. Kittens might chew on just about anything when they’re teething and they may not have developed a liking for the texture of plastic yet. Also, the bag might simply taste good to your cat. Either way, plastic is a serious choking hazard for cats. It can also cause intestinal obstruction, so you might want to discourage this by giving your cat safe chew toys.