The Net Worth Of These Celebrities Will Blow Your Socks Off

Published on 06/19/2019
The Net Worth Of These Celebrities Will Blow Your Socks Off1

The Net Worth Of These Celebrities Will Blow Your Socks Off1

In comparison to many other countries, the United States of America has been around for a short period of time. Despite its youth, the country has managed to create some of the most impressive and successful empires and corporations. Be it the movie or music industry, the service or technology industry, or anything else under the sun, some of the big guns have their roots in America.

Many of these companies’ creators have passed down the massive amounts of money they made to their offspring and spouses. In some cases, the transition was smooth, in other cases, not so much. The people on this list haven’t all inherited a huge fortune; some of them have earned their own money. Take a look at these incredibly wealthy celebrities and decide for yourself if these numbers make sense.


Paris Hilton – $300 Million

Paris Hilton is the fortunate heiress to the Hilton Hotels Corporation Hilton Hotel fortune. But before you credit her wealth to her father’s fortune, let’s make it clear that she is an actress, a businesswoman and an entrepreneur too. Her perfume brands have collected around $3 billion.

Paris Hilton 300 Million

Paris Hilton 300 Million