Someone Missed The Memo
You and Tom Hanks are both in this hardware store at the same time. What exactly are you doing right now? It’s only logical that you’d want to take a selfie with someone who has won the Academy Award twice. Tom Hanks is delighted to join you in celebrating this historic occasion. The Philadelphia-born performer in the film appears to be deep in thought, but everything else about the film is fantastic.

Someone Missed The Memo
Captain Phillips looks aside as the two supporters smile broadly at the camera. This is likely only because Tom Hanks was unprepared before the shot was taken. The photo is funny nevertheless.
Super Fan
When it comes to being an ardent supporter of the cause, the one who finishes in second place unquestionably takes first place hands down. There is no room for debate here. Because there is no way that this could possibly be a coincidence, we are going to go ahead and make the presumption that this individual always comes here with the goal of meeting his chosen superhero.

Super Fan
This is the reason why there is no possible way that this could just be a coincidence in any way, shape, or form, and this is the explanation for why it.