The Truth About Celine Dion And The Current State Of Her Love Life

Published on 06/23/2019

A 5-Year-Old Hanging Out At A Bar

Do you know that her family had their very own piano bar? Called Le Vieux Baril, it was located in Charlemagne, Quebec. The family often played music there as well. Celine Dion had been performing there since the young age of 5. Do you think the older patrons knew she was a superstar in the making?

A 5 Year Old Hanging Out At A Bar

A 5 Year Old Hanging Out At A Bar

“A New Day Has Come” Received Harsh Criticism

Her album “A New Day Has Come” discussed her new experience as a first-time mother. This was the first of her albums to debut at the top spot on the Billboard 200 charts. Despite its immediate success, critics did not like it and even called the lyrics “lifeless” and “forgettable”. Ouch.

A New Day Has Come Recieved Harsh Critiscm

A New Day Has Come Received Harsh Criticism