Tough Old Lady
She was a tough old lady, so the family had full faith in her recovery. However, they had no idea how bad their decision was. Her situation became gradually worse. They started to fear the worst. Until one day, something unexpected occurred. Two traumatic events occurred in quick succession. Alexandra’s mother and brother died within a few months of each other. This left the family in chaos. Especially considering they were so tightly bonded as a group.

Tough Old Lady
The Family Was In Distress
Alexandra’s grief grew as she tried to make sense of the catastrophe. But she drew trust from the house’s four walls because it held so many treasured memories for her. She had no idea what the house was hiding. Thankfully, Alexandra still had her father. A death can cause sadness in any family. Let alone two members passing away in such quick succession. Fortunately, Alexandra and her father made it through. The two relied on their love for one another.

The Family Was In Distress