Cosplay is costume play- a performance where people dress up in costumes and makeup to play their favorite characters. We’ve compiled a list of the most amazing female cosplays out there- take a look!
Green Lantern
Take a look at this incredible cosplay by Jessica Cruz. Those eyes are amazing! We can just imagine staring into them for quite some time. Surfingthevoid created the outfit, whose real name is Priscylla but goes by her alias on Deviant Art. The 23-year-old describes herself as a lover of comics, a film nerd, and dreamer. This Green Lantern getup was made completely by hand, and the same goes for her makeup.

Green Lantern
We also love this costume created by @enjinight. Talk about an impressive rendition of Superwoman. If she ever begins to shoot lasers out of those peepers, we will be 100% sold. Truly, this is one woman of steel. She must be the best cosplay artist we have ever seen. You will see more of her later in this article!
