Daenerys Targaryen
Russian cosplayer Christina Fink is also known as Christina Filinka Fox. Her cosplaying talents are, in our opinion, unparalleled. Take a look at her as Daenerys! One of her posts as the Mother of Dragons even got over 18,000 likes. Feel free to make that figure even higher by following her on Instagram at @kalinkafox. We also want to clue you in on how beautiful she is as Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman!

Daenerys Targaryen
The Wasp
Have you ever walked up to a cute girl, had a great conversation together, and completely forget to ask her for her number? That describes what happened when this photo was taken. It is easy to assume that you will be enticed to learn more about a gorgeous cosplay model dressed as the Wasp, right? Perhaps you would have even asked the cameraperson in the background about her. However, you failed to do that. This is the there is nothing more for us to do than adore this cosplayer and wonder who she is.

The Wasp