Seashell House , Mexico City
Have you ever considered what it could be like to reside within a seashell, much like hermit crabs? We’d like to assume that it would be similar to living in this bizarre seashell-shaped house from Mexico City. Javier Senosiain, who was inspired by the Nautilus, created the home. Naturally, the shell’s form and design were modified and turned into this incredible architectural marvel. The project was finished in 2016, and from the obvious shape of the house, one of the most striking features is that amazing wall of colored mosaics that produced the most exquisite rainbow effect.
Flintstone-style house , California
It would be a shame to leave out this unusual refuge from Malibu, California, as we’re wondering what it would be like to live in all kinds of bizarre residences. If the Flintstones lived in our time, their home would look like this. The lines and angles are never completely straight, and the entire design has a very organic sense. Everything about this house gives the impression that it is formed of stone and has unchiseled and uneven surfaces. There is only one sizable room inside.