Take A Look At How The Ideal Female Body Type Has Changed Over The Last 100 Years

Published on 12/10/2020

Beauty Standards In Nigeria

In Nigeria, lighter skin is associated with increased classwork and wealth. Because of this, many individuals who want to become associated with the higher class are looking for skin lightening products. There is a desire for thicker and curvy females when it comes to shape. This is because it is an indication of illness or bad health to be thin. In Nigeria, therefore, it is ideal to be curvy and thick. For them, being somewhat larger is a sign of good health.

Beauty Standards In Nigeria

Beauty Standards In Nigeria


Beauty Standards In Romania

Romanian women are under heavy pressure to be skinny, so their culture includes smoking and dieting. Apart from that, when it relates to cosmetic procedures, which are quite common and very accessible, Western ways are strongly influenced. For women to dress up, whatever their line of work may be, there is also an expectation. A teacher is not an uncommon sight in heels. There’s a fine line, however, between being conservative and then being revealing. In reality, if they show too much, women are condemned-the beauty ideal values a type of trim body that is well-built on the bust. Nails and long hair are also preferred for maintenance.

Beauty Standards In Romania

Beauty Standards In Romania