Take A Look At How The Ideal Female Body Type Has Changed Over The Last 100 Years

Published on 12/10/2020

Beauty Standards In Ukraine

You might think that blue eyes and blonde hair are preferred in Ukraine, but obviously, the ideal beauty is dark hair and really defined cheekbones. Slim as well as pale women are seen as beautiful, though up until the 1900s, chubby women were valued as the ideal. In Ukraine, a plastic or phony look is not valued. There’s a more natural look they prefer. They have no standards and expectations, looking like models as well.

Beauty Standards In Ukraine

Beauty Standards In Ukraine


Beauty Standards In Peru

Peru values the beauty of its indigenous people, just like Chile. However, it is not their ideal. The western vision of beauty is what is admired. They associate it with wealth as well. The South American nation’s beauty ideal is the western look of skinny and tall women with blue eyes and blonde hair. Peru has distinct origins and a host of cultures. They dread the idea of the darkening of their skin. In order to prevent melanin production and prevent their skin from darkening, many of those who work outdoors definitely cover-up.

Beauty Standards In Peru

Beauty Standards In Peru