Eat These Foods To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Published on 01/16/2019


It is also fine to indulge in your favorite chocolate bar from time to time. This sweet treat will make you feel better instantly, not to mention that it brings down your risk of heart disease and stroke. A Harvard study said regularly consuming raw cocoa led to better blood pressure and no hypertension. Eat it in moderation, and you will see improved blood vessel flexibility, better blood pressure, and lower heart-related disease risk.




Lentils can do wonders for the dish you are making, though let us focus on the heart-healthy benefits that come with these legumes. In addition to being an excellent source of potassium, protein, and magnesium, they lower the risk of developing heart disease and strokes. Other benefits include lowering blood pressure, bring down cholesterol levels, and reducing the risk of plaque buildup.

