Try Calling For Help
If you ever find yourself in this situation, you do not have a lot of options. The first thing you can to do is wobble all the way to the toilet paper roll right in front of you. If you do not want to act like a penguin, you can also swallow your pride and then use the towel there to clean yourself.
We know that both options sound icky. You can try to maintain your dignity by calling out for help. However, this would not do anything if you locked the door. This is less gross, but you need to count on luck. No matter what you do, this will be the last time you leave a toilet roll so far away from you.
Ask For A Refund
It is simply fair to assume that the hotel room has undergone some cleaning before you check-in and then settle in. Well, you might not want to assume right away! The cleaners normally give it their all, although sometimes they get a little too lazy to change the bedsheets. Why bother if it still looks clean?
We would definitely freak out if we find a note like this one buried in the bedsheets. As clear as day, this is all we need to know we deserve a refund.