Try Not To Laugh Out Loud When You See These Hotel Fails

Published on 09/06/2020

Unable To Shake This One-Off

Salt and pepper packets are perfectly fine. In general, there is nothing wrong with expecting them at the lobby restaurant. This is such a small thing, so we do not normally dwell on it. However, the setup here makes absolutely zero sense to us. Why did they even bother to shove packets into these shakers?

Unable To Shake This One Off

Unable To Shake This One-Off

Perhaps this is some sort of scheme in which they bleed out their patrons. Could it be that they charge customers one dollar for every single packet that they use? It’s a bit much, but we don’t make the rules!


Enjoy The View After A Shower

Honolulu has got to be one of our dream destinations. Let us pretend you hopped on a red-eye flight and then wake up in the morning. You are excited to see all the palm trees and sunlight. However, a cup of java on the balcony would be the perfect way to start the day! Wait, what? Hold on just a moment…

Enjoy The View After A Shower

Enjoy The View After A Shower

We are truly baffled why anyone designed the bathroom and balcony in this manner. Could it be that it was common for people to step out and enjoy the view after taking a shower? Odd.