You Had No Idea These Common Household Items Were Meant To Be Used Like This

Published on 10/10/2019

Random Jean Buttons

Do you love jeans? You might be the biggest fan of these trousers but still have no idea what the extra buttons over the pants are for. We all know that they seem odd, but not enough people out there know just how important they actually are! Rivets, as they are called, are added strategically to the garment to prevent the seams from ripping open and getting worn out.

Random Jean Buttons

Random Jean Buttons

Did you know that Levi Strauss, jeans magnet, owns the patent on these things! In 1829, he thought of them when miners had been complaining of how easily their jeans wore out. What a clever idea!


Extra Fabric With New Clothes

Have you ever seen that tiny, extra bag that comes with the new clothes that you buy? It usually comes with a tiny piece of the fabric. Most people think that they can use this for tears and rips, but it is for something else.

Extra Fabric With New Clothes

Extra Fabric With New Clothes

This fabric is meant to go into the wash so that you can see if it will bleed or shrink. After all, it is not a smart idea to wash a piece of clothing if you don’t know how it will react in the wash.