You Had No Idea These Common Household Items Were Meant To Be Used Like This

Published on 09/01/2019

Colorful Toothpaste

As it turns out, even the colors of your toothpaste have a specific reason! When people began to realize that just rinsing your mouth out wasn’t enough to keep your teeth healthy, Aquafresh heard about it and came through. The blue stripe is to show that the toothpaste freshens your breath while cleaning it, and the red shows that there’s also plaque control in the paste.

Colorful Toothpaste

Colorful Toothpaste


The Mysterious Square In Your McFlurry Spoon

Did you ever stick your finger in the square opening of the McFlurry spoon when you were little? Just about everyone did, apparently. It turns out that the spoon was made that way for a reason. The square attaches onto the machine that blends the ice cream and the toppings you chose. The bar of the machine slips into the spoon and stirs it, kind of like a drill would spin a screw.

The Mysterious Square In Your McFlurry Spoon

The Mysterious Square In Your McFlurry Spoon