You Had No Idea These Common Household Items Were Meant To Be Used Like This

Published on 09/01/2019

Color Code Your Keys

Almost everyone has more than just one key. Whether it’s for the front door, the gym, the mailbox, or anything else, it’s easy to lose track which key is for what. One of the most frustrating things is standing outside your front door while trying to find the correct key. To avoid this problem, paint each key a different color to differentiate between them all.

Color Code Your Keys

Color Code Your Keys


Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors

Having a chair that squeaks is such an annoying thing. One simple solution to this issue is with tennis balls. Just get four for each chair, cut a slit down the middle of each one and place them over the feet of the chairs. This will also keep them from causing the floor any damage.

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Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors