You Had No Idea These Common Household Items Were Meant To Be Used Like This

Published on 09/01/2019

Clean Your Dog’s Coat With Vinegar

We all know how revolting the smell of vinegar can be. However, it is an item that can be used for many things and is great to have in the house. If you want to keep your pup all nice and clean, mix a cup of vinegar with a quart of water. Rub it gently into your dog’s fur and then rinse it off.

Clean Your Dog's Coat With Vinegar

Clean Your Dog’s Coat With Vinegar


Depuff Your Eyes With Metal Spoons

It’s never fun to wake up from a full night’s sleep with puffy eyes. The good news is that there’s a solution to that! Just use metal spoons. At night, put them in the fridge or in the freezer before you head to bed. In the morning, just place them gently over your eyes. The cold will tighten the skin and stimulate blood flow. Not to mention, the cold also soothes any redness or irritation.

Depuff Your Eyes With Metal Spoons

Depuff Your Eyes With Metal Spoons