You Had No Idea These Common Household Items Were Meant To Be Used Like This

Published on 09/01/2019

Deter Bugs With Cinnamon

One of the worst things is when you have a bug infestation in your home. Thankfully, we have a solution for that now. Instead of spending money on expensive pesticides to keep bugs out, just sprinkle some cinnamon in the places you have a bug problem. Ants and cockroaches will stay away. To top it off, your house will smell like cinnamon!

Deter Bugs With Cinnamon

Deter Bugs With Cinnamon

Kool-Aid Powder Can Substitute For Dishwasher Detergent

This might sound like a made-up thing, but hear us out. When you mix baking soda, coarse salt, and four packets of lemonade with Kool-Aid, you’ve got yourself a DIY dishwasher detergent. One important thing to note is that it can only be made with the lemonade flavor since it has citric acid.

Kool Aid Poweder Can Substitute For Dishwasher Detergent

Kool-Aid Powder Can Substitute For Dishwasher Detergent