Here Are Some Of The Weirdest Hybrids That Actually Exists

Published on 04/22/2021


Polecat-mink was a hybrid between a European polecat and a European mink. Khor-tumak was the name given to the hybrid by furriers, while khonorik was the name given to it by fanciers. Since the European mink population was dwindling, it wasn’t easy to breed this hybrid. Yellow paws, gray-yellow underfur, a face mask, and long, dark brown guard hair characterized the hybrid.

Polecat Mink

Polecat Mink



A polecat-ferret was a hybrid of a domestic animal ferry and a polecat. White hair was mixed in with the hybrid’s fur, and it had a white neckband, paws, and a white neckband. When compared to its parent, the polecat-ferret had better vision and physical characteristics. On the other hand, the hybrid was difficult to manage because we wanted to relieve its boredom, and it did not want to be put in a cage.

