Not A Bad Deal At All
If you read the email, you are not really going to find anything wrong with it. As a matter of fact, it sounds like a great idea to us. This way, no one really loses. If the partnership actually works, they both earn something out of it. However, this was not enough for the entitled social media personality. She thought that she deserved to get it free from the very beginning. We wonder if they doubted the fact that they could get ten followers to use the code…

Not A Bad Deal At All
It Does Not Pay The Bills
From the very beginning, artists have always had a problem earning respect. They are already underpaid to begin with. The rise of influencers has only made things a lot harder for them. This person thought that they could get a drawing in exchange for likes. We do not know about you but likes and views have never fed us or paid the bills. This artist was gracious enough to explain why it does not work that way.

It Does Not Pay The Bills