The Best Counteroffer Ever
Here is another establishment that did not want to deal with influencers any longer. White Banana Beach Club wanted to put an end to this nonsense and released this announcement. They explained that they had no desire to work with influencers. Aside from that, the words suggested that they find a different method to “eat, drink, or sleep for free.” Maybe they could “actually work” like the rest of us.

The Best Counteroffer Ever
Getting Paid For Doing Nothing
A Tumblr user talked about how “gross” influencer culture really was. These people seemed to want “money for doing absolutely nothing too.” One of these influencers felt offended by these claims and responded. She wanted to let them know that it was not all sunshine and rainbows either. However, it sounded like even more entitlement. How detached could they be from reality? A different user was quick to respond in a way that showed how silly the argument was.

Getting Paid For Doing Nothing