Here’s What The True Meaning Of The World’s Most Iconic Songs

Published on 10/01/2021

Most individuals enjoy music purely for the purpose of the catchy melody, disregarding the lyrics or the song’s context. It’s a pity, because many songs, such as The Bangles’ “Manic Monday,” were written by “Christopher,” aka Prince, and contain secret meanings or were penned by legends under aliases. That isn’t even the most astonishing musical truth; read on to learn more!

Mother And Child Reunion

“Mother and Child Reunion” was the lead single from Paul Simon’s second studio album, Paul Simon. Many people don’t understand, though, that the iconic song’s title wasn’t just a random term Simon came up with. The song’s title was inspired by a Chinese restaurant’s menu item named Mother and Child Reunion, which is a chicken and egg dish. Yes, the song’s beginnings are a touch spooky.

Mother And Child Reunion

Mother And Child Reunion


Smells Like Teen Spirit

“Smells Like Teen Spirit,” while now one of Nirvana’s most well-known songs, was initially composed as a joke. When Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kills saw Teen Spirit deodorant at the grocery store, she thought it had the oddest name for a deodorant. After partying with Nirvana later that evening, she scribbled “Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit” on the wall, having had the term in her head since early that day!

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Smells Like Teen Spirit