What You Never Knew About The Joker

Published on 10/17/2019

This supervillain is one that has become one of the most famous and twisted comic book characters of all time. Since his debut, the Joker became Batman’s arch-nemesis and gained a huge fanbase all around the world. To this day, the Joker is a still major part of pop-culture, with a brand new movie about him still in the theaters. One question that remains is, who is he? Let’s take a look at some facts about this complex and terrifying character.

First Appearance

This supervillain was created by a few people who combined their talents to make this iconic comic book character. Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson all contributed to the creation of the Joker. The character made its first-ever appearance in the debut issue of the comic book Batman in April of 1940 that was published by DC Comics. The Joker is portrayed to be a criminal mastermind with a seriously warped and sadistic sense of humor. Not to mention he is a psychopath as well. However, the character became a goofy prankster in the late 1950s as a response to a Comics Code Authority regulation. In the early 1970s, the character returned to his darker roots.

First Appearance

First Appearance


Wasn’t Meant To Stay

You might not have known this, but originally, the Joker wasn’t meant to stay. He was supposed to be nothing more than a temporary enemy to the Dark Knight. In fact, the writers planned on killing him after just one appearance. Thankfully, he was spared by editorial intervention and became the most iconic clown villain. The editor in charge saw the potential in the character and ordered that an additional frame be added that shows the clown coming back to life. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Wasn't Meant To Stay

Wasn’t Meant To Stay