What You Never Knew About The Joker

Published on 10/17/2019

Christopher Nolan’s First Choice

In Hollywood, directors don’t often get the castings that they want in movies. At times, there are scheduling conflicts or monetary agreements. So, when all the stars align and everyone gets what they want, it’s a big deal. Despite the fact that Heath Ledger initially was reluctant to take the role of the Joker, he eventually caved after the director, Christopher Nolan, convinced him. Unfortunately, Ledger didn’t live to see the lasting impact and magnitude of his performance. He passed away before the film’s release.

Christopher Nolan's First Choice

Christopher Nolan’s First Choice


Weight Loss

Most recently, the role of the Joker went to Joaquin Pheonix, who played the iconic character in its first stand-alone movie. The actor went on a grueling diet to prepare for the role and lost a whopping 52 pounds (23.6 kilograms). According to Vanity Fair, the actor worked with a doctor who’s helped him in the past to lose and then gain back weight for a role.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss