You Will Feel A Whole Lot Better After Seeing These Funny Life Fails

Published on 06/05/2019

Now, we have all done stupid things in the past, but some people out there decided to bring things to a different level altogether. Every single one of us has made a terrible decision or several in the past. Unfortunately for us, we live in the day and age of social media so past mistakes can live longer than they are supposed to. This is a compilation of people who messed up big time. We are sure you will feel relieved not to be in their shoes right now!

The SUV Is Sinking

We are sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this seems to be a lost cause by now. Maybe it is time to teach them the difference between an SUV and a boat. We’re not sure how they got it so mixed up.

The SUV Is Sinking

The SUV Is Sinking

Curiosity Killed The Car

Sometimes, curiosity gets the best of you. The dude in the passenger seat probably wanted to see what that button was supposed to do… It might be called the sunroof but in winter, it is more accurate to call it the snow roof.

Curiosity Killed The Car

Curiosity Killed The Car