You Will Feel A Whole Lot Better After Seeing These Funny Life Fails

Published on 06/05/2019

Missing Bike

As you can see in the top image, the bike parked where a car would normally be parked. But in the second pic, POOF! It’s gone! Where could it possibly have gone? Well, if you look closely, you could find the bike on top of the tree. Seriously, how do they even manage to do that?

Missing Bike

Missing Bike


Scissor Fail

Imagine buying a new mouse, you’re excited to use it, so you go ahead and use a pair of scissors to get it out of the case when suddenly, BAM! You end up with a dysfunctional mouse! You were too excited to get the mouse out of the case, that you end up cutting the wires too!

Scissor Fail

Scissor Fail