Smart Tricks To Make Long Flights Much More Comfortable

Published on 03/04/2020


Plane air is terrible, and if you don’t make sure to drink enough, you will get seriously dehydrated. To combat the dry and air-conditioned air, be sure to drink enough and on a regular basis. Long flights always offer water, so ask the flight attendants for a few cups every hour, even if the food service isn’t going by. It’s important to avoid alcohol, coffee, and a lot of sugar since they can dehydrate you more. Stick to good old water.




Pick Seats at the Back

If you don’t have a specific seat on the plane that you prefer, we recommend you choose one at the back. At times, it could get a little noisy due to the flight attendants working, but you will get better service. You might even have more things offered since they have a rule not to walk around with special stuff since there isn’t enough for all the people on board.

Pick Seats At The Back

Pick Seats At The Back