Smart Tricks To Make Long Flights Much More Comfortable

Published on 03/04/2020

Avoid Plane Blankets

A lot of the time, long flights offer plane blankets and pillows to the passengers. However, if you care about hygiene (which you should), you might want to steer clear of them. They hardly ever get washed and are repeatly used by many different people. If you need one, just bring your own with.

Avoid Plane Blankets

Avoid Plane Blankets


Go Jogging

When flying to a different continent, you might have some jet lag to deal with. Everyone hates it, and most people are convinced that there’s nothing to do about it. Well, they’re wrong. You can fight it off by jogging on the first morning of your visit, especially if the sun is out. The light will help your body learn its new schedule.

Go Jogging

Go Jogging