Smart Tricks To Make Long Flights Much More Comfortable

Published on 03/04/2020

Take Morning Flights

There are a good amount of people who, unfortunately, suffer from horrible motion sickness. Even though there are medications available, it’s best to follow this tip as well. If you have the option to choose the time of your flight, go for the morning. Doing so will help you avoid turbulence. The reason for this is that turbulence happens when the earth gets warmer, so the air will rise up. This also happens during storms and strong winds which are more likely to happen later on in the day.

Take Morning Flights

Take Morning Flights


Choose The Right Seat

Choosing the correct seat on the plane is no less than an art form. It might work differently for everyone. Depending on your personal preferences, there are still some general tips to keep in mind. One example is if you know you like standing up to stretch often, go for the aisle seat. On the other hand, if you’re more likely to sleep through the flight, go for the window seat. The back seats also tend to be less crowded since airlines fill the plane from front to back.

Choose The Right Seat

Choose The Right Seat